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Return back only top N rows for each ID - SQL

I have written this SQL after browsing different topics. The topic I got the solution from -> Limit Records MySQL version: 5.6 SELECT op.* FROM (select op.*, (@rn := if(@s = order_id, @...
olliesyke's user avatar
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How to create subquery on multiple result columns?

I have two tables, both sharing the following columns: table inventory: id, key, timestamp table stocks: id, key, timestamp I want to select all occurrences of the key from inventory table together ...
membersound's user avatar
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Improve MySQL query efficiency for first row in a group

I've written the query below in MySQL to get the top 10 top landing pages across all browser sessions. Reading other similar posts about how to access the first row in a group, it seemed like the ...
Asa Carter's user avatar