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Help! I need improve this query plan

I have inherited a system and have been looking into a SQL Agent job that was running in around 15-20 mins that is now failing to complete. The SQL Server was moved from a Physical to Virtual environment. On the virtual environment the job was running about the same time as on the Physical environment. That was until a few days ago when it wasn't completing. Looking at the job one of the steps is executing a stored proc. Within that Proc it's then Inserting everything from a view into a temp table as well as other tables from the other database on the server.

Looking at the view is making me ill, as it looks like it's not fit for purpose. I did a SELECT TOP 10 * FROM the view and it took 54 mins to run.

I noticed that the TempDB Drive was flatlining when we ran this query and that the latency was up in the hundreds for Read/Write.

I noticed that the estimate and actual rows was way out and updated the stats on all tables in the view. Funny enough I have noticed now the latency has dropped down since doing this. I have ran Crystal Disk Mark on the old physical (Left) and this new virtual server (right). enter image description here

There seems to be a significant difference in the Sequential Read/Writes and differences in the Random Read/Writes between the H:\ Drive on the old Phsical and the T:\ Drive on the new virtual. The Random Reads seem to be performing better on the new server but the writes are slower. I’ve highlighted these drives as this is where the TempDB is situated on both servers.

I'm in a fight with the SAN guys at the moment, as they are saying everything is fine at their end, even though I've graphed the perfmon files and can show that disk latency wen't through the roof last week on a specific day and not sure if it's coincidence or not but the jobs that are not completing started to fail after this spike in the SAN. Disk Latency is averaging now about 80-100 ms, so way over the 20ms acceptable level.

I've uploaded the plan to paste the plan

Does anyone have any tips on how to tune this query please? It makes me feel faint just looking at this and knowing it's probably in other stored procs across the estate :(