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Unique constraint for single structure that simulates relations between tables

Imagine I have several tables in SQL Server 2016:

  1. Cat
  2. Cat carrier
  3. Cat transit box
  4. Cat car

Every object can be stored in higher level, but not necessarily directly one above with N-to-1. So a cat can be put into a carrier, the carrier into a transit box and the box put into a car. But a cat can simply ride in a car. Objects can store numerous types, so for example: Cat transit box can hold simultaneously cats and cat carriers.

There is no need for Cat or Cat Car in all this.

Now, the idea is to create a table joining everything at once:

Cat Cat Carrier Cat Box Cat Car
null 3 5 null
null 4 5 null
1 5 5 null
2 null 5 null

So this is a situation where three carriers are put into a single box. one of those carriers contain a single cat. Also, there is a cat somewhere in the box.

But I have to make sure that there are no illogical data:

Cat Cat Carrier Cat Box Cat Car
null 3 5 null
null 3 6 null
1 3 null null
1 null 8 null

Cat carrier cannot be in two boxes at once. Cat cannot be in a carrier and cat box separately.

Two important questions:

  1. Is this flat structure adequate for what I want to do? Is there any better structure for this task?
  2. How to create unique constraints to make sure an entity does not travel in multiple different containers.
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