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Privileges granted to an account or role through the security mechanism of an operating system, database manager or other system.

1 vote

Is it possible to make database owner read only?

The privilege to DROP an object does not exist as such and thus can't be revoked. Owning an object implies the right to drop it, and having the right to drop an object implies owning it. Here's a rele …
Daniel Vérité's user avatar
1 vote

How to assign privileges on a postgresql schema to a user?

You don't mention which user created service_schema.customers and what permissions were given, if any, to the admin user for that table. …
Daniel Vérité's user avatar
77 votes

Created user can access all databases in PostgreSQL without any grants

At the SQL level, every user can indeed connect to a newly created database, until the following SQL command is issued: REVOKE connect ON DATABASE database_name FROM PUBLIC; Once done, each user or …
Daniel Vérité's user avatar
303 votes

Granting a user account permission to create databases in PostgreSQL

It's done with ALTER USER username CREATEDB; See ALTER USER in the doc. To drop a database, either you're superuser (which can be granted with ALTER USER too) or you must own the database.
Daniel Vérité's user avatar
21 votes

Minimal grants for readonly single-table access on PostgreSQL

The permissions for public, the pseudo-role that anyone has. A user can implicitly connect only if the connect privilege is granted to PUBLIC. … Instead of removing public permissions from the public schema, it may make sense for DBAs to just drop the public schema when new users should have no implicit permission at all. …
Daniel Vérité's user avatar
1 vote

Extremely safe Postgres table permissions

One issue is that the base metadata about the private tables in the pg_catalog schema cannot be hidden. Especially: pg_class (list of tables) pg_attribute (list of columns) But pg_stats contents are …
Daniel Vérité's user avatar
4 votes

postgres: how can I allow index creation but no table mutations or table drops by the same u...

Even though plpgsql event triggers are pretty limited in current versions, you can achieve the particular result of disallowing only DROP TABLE with them. Consider this: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION n …
Daniel Vérité's user avatar
7 votes

Switch user to 'postgres' user on macOS results in "su: Sorry" error

The EBD installer asks for a password during the installation but it is meant for the database user, not the postgres Unix user, which doesn't have a password. This is mentioned in Postgres, Password …
Daniel Vérité's user avatar
76 votes

Why is a new user allowed to create a table?

When you create a new database, any role is allowed to create objects in the public schema. To remove this possibility, you may issue immediately after the database creation: REVOKE ALL ON schema pub …
Daniel Vérité's user avatar
4 votes

GRANT SELECT ON SEQUENCE succeeds, but to no effect?

If it was, it would have permissions that would look like that: test=> \dn+ List of schemas Name | Owner | Access privileges | Description --------+----- … consistent with the fact that the same commands work in you other instances: presumably the schema public of these other databases is the original, not a dropped/recreated-differently version or with its permissions
Daniel Vérité's user avatar