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Questions tagged [permissions]

Privileges granted to an account or role through the security mechanism of an operating system, database manager or other system.

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SQL Server Permissions to synonym and underlying objects

I have DatabaseX_2024 and DatabaseY on same SQL Server. My app works with DatabaseY but need some data from DatabaseX_2024. Because name of DatabaseX_2024 is changing (will be DatabaseX_2025 next year)...
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Postgres permissions on table create not propagated

we are working with a postgres database V13. We're facing a problem that previously permissions were just inherited/created when a new table was created. It is not working anymore, when I create a new ...
pau's user avatar
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Grant execute only in localhost

I have a user that can be accessed from any host (we are currently in development). But I want to limit the execution of stored procedures only for localhost. The problem is that the localhost user is ...
Eduardo Jiménez's user avatar
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how do I restrict users to execute SET QUERY_GOVERNOR_COST_LIMIT 0 in SQL Server

We had set up a server configuration of QUERY_GOVERNOR_COST_LIMIT to restrict expensive queries, but as it turns out some clients started using the statement :- SET QUERY_GOVERNOR_COST_LIMIT 0 to ...
shoyo's user avatar
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Azure MS SQL: grant sys.* and msdb.dbo.* select permissions for Grafana monitoring

I'm trying to monitor Azure MS SQL databases using this Grafana dasboard. It executes several queries to tables whose names start with sys and msdb.dbo. I've created a dedicated grafana user for this ...
barmanthewise's user avatar
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SQL Server read-only SystemAdmin account

Is there a way to create a sysadmin like account with only read privilege's. I know that you can give a lot of grants to an account like view server state, view any definition, view any database etc, ...
Ludo's user avatar
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Sysadmin Privileges Disappear When using database

I have an AD login added to a SQL Server group. The SQL Server group has the sysadmin role. When the user logs in they connect correctly account name type privilege mapped login name ...
Pooeye136's user avatar
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Why can't I restore a database backup from a shared folder in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio?

I'm working with Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, version v18.12. I have shared a directory, in order for my colleagues to give me information, like database backups. When I try to access a ...
Dominique's user avatar
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PostgreSQL: cross Schema Foreign Keys fails with permission denied for table

Adding a cross-schema foreign key: ALTER TABLE "editedArticles" ADD CONSTRAINT "editedArticles_articles_foreign" FOREIGN KEY("originalArticleId") REFERENCES "...
mb21's user avatar
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Disabling Login of a User Who Have Scheduled Jobs to Run in Oracle

I have a custom oracle user(let's say monitor_user) which has lots of procedures and jobs that sends e-mail of query results. But for security reasons i want to disable its login to database from an ...
postgresnewbie's user avatar
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2 answers

How to work around "row is too big" for role definitions without recreating the database?

I am running into the row is too big (ERROR: 54000: row is too big: size 9976, maximum size 8160) error in Postgres related to role permissions on a couple of my instances. I understand that after ...
blarghmatey's user avatar
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2 answers

User can't access a database because he belongs to multiple AD groups

We have an SQL Server 2016 that has 20 different databases on it that are used by different applications and different teams in the company. There are groups of users in Active Directory that combine ...
Vladimir Baranov's user avatar
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Mysql replication - Access denied for user 'repl'@'hostname' (using password: YES)

I had setup mysql replication using percona Xtrabackup. Replication was from my web server to my local machine. It used to work but my ISP changed IP address and replication stopped working. I'm ...
Raymond's user avatar
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Need to add user and assign roles automatically, using DDL Trigger, when database is created

I am trying to create an automated process that will add a user and assign them the roles of db_datareader, db_datawriter and db_ddladmin whenever a database starting with PA is created. I have ...
Eric's user avatar
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1 answer

Same global user works local but fails on live server for information_schema database UPDATE query

I have two database servers, local and live. The local server is running MariaDB 10.11.6, the live server is running 10.11.8. I have the exact same global user, example@localhost on both the local and ...
John's user avatar
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2 answers

error when re-applying the permissions script into the original database - sql server

when I run the following script: -- ——— SCRIPT GRANTS for Object Privileges————— IF OBJECT_ID('[sys].[sysrowsets]') IS NOT NULL GRANT CONTROL on [sys].[sysrowsets] to [db_myrole_BA] I get this ...
Marcello Miorelli's user avatar
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How do I prevent a DB user to change table contents in SQL Server?

How do I specify that a DB user cannot edit the AspNetUserRoles table in SQL Server? Currently, the user has Membership->db_owner permission, and it can do everything. I would like to control ...
abenci's user avatar
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How can I allow a user to alter tables they do not own in Postgres?

I need to be able to assign a role to users to allow them to do anything they want to tables in a schema. I need to do this without assigning superuser priv in Postgres. I already figured out how to ...
Dave's user avatar
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I'm trying to alter the default privileges of a role (roleB) that I am a member of, to allow it to modify objects created by another role (roleA) that I am also a member of. I have the inherit ...
gpat's user avatar
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PostgreSQL crosstab query not using view owner permission when queried from other users

I'd like some help with regards to creating a view in PostgreSQL using the crosstab function. I've been trying to create a view as follows: create or replace view csv_data as with answers as( select * ...
lsimonetii's user avatar
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PostgreSQL: permission denied to COPY to or from an external program, even after Grant pg_execute_server_program

Running Copy test(id, name) From Program 'zcat /tmp/test.csv.gz' CSV Header; fails with: SQL Error [42501]: ERROR: permission denied to COPY to or from an external program Detail: Only roles with ...
Chema's user avatar
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Checking REFERENCES permission is granted or not?

I am trying to execute the following minimalized example on SQL Server (14.0.3465.1): --drop TABLE [dbo].[testtable] --drop TABLE [dbo].[referencetable] create table [dbo].[referencetable]( [...
cly's user avatar
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CREATE TABLE permissions required to append Pyspark dataframe to SSMS table

I am using AWS glue to extract some data from RDS, parse it into some other format and push it back to RDS. The RDS user I use has SELECT and INSERT permissions on tic.Example. However, when I try to ...
Eloy Fernandez's user avatar
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How to prevent user from connecting via SSMS but allow query via .net application connectionstring?

I have been given task to create a SQL login that can be used to query the db via a .net application connection string. But the user shouldn't be able to connect to SQL via SSMS. I have created the ...
variable's user avatar
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How to stop losing control of a user I just created due to SYSTEM_USER privilege in MySQL

We have recently been plagued by users getting created with the SYSTEM_USER privilege by users who don't have that privilege. What do we need to do from a systematic perspective to stop this from ...
juacala's user avatar
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Granting SELECT...INTO permissions

I've created a new schema, archive, and am able to create, read, update and delete tables within it. I have an EXTERNAL_USER who I'm trying to give permissions to so that they can carry out select.....
philipnye's user avatar
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SQL Job Roles: How to grant a group permission to access SQL Jobs with unique mapping?

Issue Developers on the same team are members of a Windows_Group. These developers create jobs which they each own. Only the owner can edit the job so they cannot work together on same job. Because of ...
Bad_sa_18456's user avatar
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Import roles from <16 into >=16

I've got a backup from PostgreSQL 15 that I'm trying to get imported into PostgreSQL 16. One of the breaking changes between the versions is to "Restrict the privileges of CREATEROLE and its ...
GammaGames's user avatar
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How to get list of permissions for a role in Postgres?

I'm trying to do what is described here. That is, execute the following: BEGIN; DROP ROLE role_name; ROLLBACK; and get the: list of permissions it can find that are granted to the role. I can't ...
rob.loh's user avatar
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Why does removing `skip-grant-tables` cause resource conflict error for mysqld?

After hours of searching, I have managed to narrow a mysqld issue down to a point, which I cannot find reason for. I am attempting to launch multiple instances of mysqld on my Ubuntu server. When ...
user10709800's user avatar
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My user does not exist or dosent have any permision to alter or update tables

I have this query alter table NashvilleHousing add FixedSaleDate Date; update NashvilleHousing set FixedSaleDate = CONVERT(Date, SaleDate) got this error: Msg 4902, Level 16, State 1, Line 11 ...
Jose Mujica's user avatar
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granting privileges to user in postgresql

I'm trying to setup a new project with a Postgresql 15.5 database. I have a running instance. If I create a new database psql --command "create database \"tagger-db\"" create a ...
marcosh's user avatar
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Logical replication security risk with run_as_owner = false

The docs say If the subscription has been configured with run_as_owner = true, then no user switching will occur. Instead, all operations will be performed with the permissions of the subscription ...
Felipe's user avatar
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Grant permission for a user to create objects in a PostgreSQL schema is not working

I have recently upgraded to PostgreSQL 15 and observed that a db user say X (not a owner of schema) is no longer able to create a table in public schema. From the below release notes looks like it is ...
John Wilkinson's user avatar
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2 answers

In Postgres, can an isolation level be set as mandatory?

At, it says Any transaction which is run at a transaction isolation level other than SERIALIZABLE will not be affected by SSI. ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Module signing on a trigger which accesses system views. Base table is on a custom schema

Some background: Question is follow up of this question: Is there a way in SQL Server to make a table only able to insert by trigger? I'm trying to achieve what the answer to the original question ...
Stackoverflowuser's user avatar
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SQL Account cannot access file system

I have an issue with a service account that is used to import several files on its D: drive. In the past SA was used for this process, but of course it needed to be replaced by a service account. So I'...
El_Macho84's user avatar
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How to COPY table privileges dba_sys_privs into different table in Oracle

i want to copy table privileges dba_sys_privs in table A to new table B. i have create table B. What left now was it's table privileges'. Kindly advice. Thanks
Ahmad Hasanul Ishraf Shuib's user avatar
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MS SQL - Minimum Permissions to View Sensitivity Classifications

I'd like to provide some user groups access to view Sensitivity Classifications. Currently it returns blank results in the reports tool, or directly querying sys.sensitivity_classifications table. ...
mcswiggen's user avatar
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Cause of Cannot execute as the server principal because the principal "MyUser" does not exist'

I have two databases on the same server, lets call them DB1 and DB2. There is a login on the server called MyUser, and both databases have a user setup from that login, also called MyUser [edit: and ...
monty's user avatar
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Problems getting SQL Server linked server to work in web-based admin utility on Windows Server 2022

I have an ASP classic web application based on an SQL Server database, with an admin component. The database has a linked server with Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 provider to allow bulk import of records ...
user1207313's user avatar
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SQL Agent job step update permissions

I have a non-sysadmin user whose ID (Windows login) is set as owner on a set of SQL Agent jobs. The user also has the SQLAgentReader role in MSDB. The user can see the Agent node in SSMS, can view ...
AardvDbDev's user avatar
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Can't revoke permissions on Redshift

I'm having a issue revoking privileges that is stopping me from droping users select usename, acl.* from pg_default_acl as acl join pg_user on usesysid = defacluser where usename = 'user1'; gives me: ...
Alejandro's user avatar
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Why can't grant privileges to a role?

I created a role and set privileges to tables, then created a user and grant the role to it by postgres user. After the user login database, it can't select any tables at all. CREATE ROLE readonly; ...
Alpin Cleopatra's user avatar
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Error 1216, not 1451, despite reference privilege on MySQL 8

MySQL 8.0.34 Limited-privilege users see less verbose errors (1216/1217) per the design intent. I've granted reference privileges, as suggested here, in an attempt to show more verbose errors (1451/...
Chris Broz's user avatar
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Why does a user use owner privileges when executing a trigger?

I came across a strange situation that gave me a big headache and after solving it I would also like to understand WHY. Basically, a user had all the privileges he needed to execute a "trigger&...
Sotis's user avatar
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Which user executes Postgres RLS policies (CURRENT_USER vs VIEW owner)?

Postgres seems to have some weird semantics around which user is actually invoking check functions defined in RLS policies. Specifically, if the check function is SECURITY INVOKER, it appears that the ...
colophonemes's user avatar
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Balancing Legacy CRM Needs and Security in Multiple Databases

I have a set of databases on a server. Database_alpha Database_beta Database_gamma Database_delta Database_alpha houses a legacy CRM system which has an inbuilt dependency on the sa account to ...
betelgeuce's user avatar
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postgresql: why owner of table is unable to select from it?

In postgresql documentation on GRANT option it is written: There is no need to grant privileges to the owner of an object (usually the user that created it), as the owner has all privileges by ...
pva's user avatar
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How to prevent an existing role being given permissions on a new database?

I'm fairly new to postgres permissions. I'm working with a postgres server to add/remove databases to it as part of a workflow. Each database needs to have a role associated with it that can do ...
adrianbanks's user avatar

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