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David Kleszyk
  • Member for 8 years
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
SQL Server: How does Uniquifier work with Replication?
Okay, thanks. I don't currently have multiple servers to test the replication, but I know that it's a future goal so I wanted to design the tables with that in mind.
SQL Server: How does Uniquifier work with Replication?
(Sorry, didn't mean to hit enter) In an even more simplified example, if the table is (C1 (PK), C2 (NON-UNIQUE CLUSTERED), (UNIQUIFIER(hidden from user)), on P1 the row is (1, 1, NULL) on P2 the row is (2, 1, NULL). When these are merged onto the subscriber the rows will be (1, 1, ???), (2, 1, ???). The uniqueness of the PK is preserved, but what will happen to the uniquifier value?
SQL Server: How does Uniquifier work with Replication?
Right, but the primary key is unique. My concern is that the clustered index must also be unique (and SQL Server will force it to be unique if not declared as unique).