I'll share how I have done this in the past. It is designed to solve the
specific limitation of pre-deployment scripts that you call out in your second
Adding the column in a pre-deployment script will fail the publish when it
automatically tries to create the same column, a second time (even if the pre-
deployment script is written to be idempotent)
Why pre-deployment scripts don't work for this
When you deploy an SSDT project, the way it stitches thing together is like
this (a bit simplified, but in general):
- Do the "schema compare" between the source (dacpac file) and the target
- Generate a deployment script based on the results of that compare
- Process any pre-deployment scripts in the dacpac (doing token replacement,
etc.) and insert the contents into the beginning of the deployment script
- Do the same for post-deployment scripts, appending to the end of the
deployment script
When a new column exists in the dacpac and not in the target database, step #2
will generate code to add that column. So if the pre-deployment script adds
this column, the main part of the script will fail (because it assumes the
column doesn't exist, based on the results of the schema compare in step #1)
Solution: pre-SSDT script
Martin Smith mentioned this option in a comment, and it's the solution that
has worked best for me so far:
We use premodel scripts in our deplyment pipeline. This is not something
that is part of SSDT but a step that runs before the dacfx publish. So in
this case the premodel script could add the column with the desired values
and make it not null and by the time the publish happens it is already in
the state expected by SSDT so it doesnt have anything to do. I'm still yet
to find much use for predeploy scripts. – Martin Smith
Jun 1 at 21:45
The steps to implement this solution in general are:
- Create a script in the SSDT project to hold your "pre-SSDT" T-SQL code
- Depending on how your deployment process works, code in these files
should probably be idempotent
- Make sure to set this script to "Build Action=None" and "Copy to Output
Directory=Copy always"
- the "copy always" option is especially important, as the deployment
process needs to be able to find this script in your
deployment artifacts
- In your deployment process, locate and run this script (or scripts)
before the SSDT schema compare occurs
- Once that script has been executed successfully, you can engage DacServices
/ DacFx / whatever to complete your deployment as usual
In the end, this allows you to add the column using whatever custom code you
like, populated using complex business logic, in the pre-SSDT script.
You also add the column definition in the SSDT project (so source control
still matches the real life state of the database). But when the schema
compare runs, it sees no changes related to that column (because you've
already deployed it).
Other uses of pre-SSDT
I often find when testing deployments that SSDT performs a "table rebuild"
operation* when it's completely unnecessary. This is where a new table is a
created with the updated schema, all data is copied to that table, the old
table is dropped, and the new table is renamed to replace the old table.
This can lead to massive transaction log file growth and other problems if
the table is large. If I notice that a schema change is causing this, I'll
instead make the change myself in pre-SSDT (which is usually a simple
statement) and avoid the table rebuild.
Is this a good idea?
I think so. If you read Critiquing two different approaches to
delivering databases: Migrations vs state by Alex Yates, this is
essentially combining the two approaches a bit. SSDT is state based, but we
incorporate a migration step (before SSDT) to handle some of the more complex
scenarios that SSDT just has no way of dealing with in a general way.
In doing some searching while writing this answer, this is actually a very
common approach discussed in the SSDT user community once you know what to
search for. I've seen it called:
- pre-compare
- pre-model
- pre-DAC
- pre-SSDT
Etc. Here's a great article that covers a lot of the points that I mentoned
Pre-Compare & Pre-Deployment Scripts to SSDT
And one from Red Gate (in the #4 – Changing from system type to user
defined type section) that also refers to this as pre-compare:
How to Fix Ten SSDT Deployment Snags, With or Without ReadyRoll
So what's the point of pre-deployment scripts?
Martin points out that he hasn't found "much use for predeploy scripts." I
tend to feel the same way. But there are scenarios where they can be useful.
One example a coworker pointed out to me was storing some data in a temp table
to be used in the post deployment script (say you're moving a column from one
table to another).
*The table rebuild looks like this, which is horrifying, right?
PRINT N'Starting rebuilding table [dbo].[MyTable]...';
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tmp_ms_xx_MyTable] (
-- etc, other columns
FROM [dbo].[MyTable])
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[tmp_ms_xx_MyTable] ON;
INSERT INTO [dbo].[tmp_ms_xx_MyTable] ([Id], ...)
-- etc, other columns
FROM [dbo].[MyTable]
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[tmp_ms_xx_MyTable] OFF;
DROP TABLE [dbo].[MyTable];
EXECUTE sp_rename N'[dbo].[tmp_ms_xx_MyTable]', N'MyTable';