I can only remember setting these parameters and definitely not the password for SYSTEM:

  1. DB Instance Identifier = mydbinstanceidentifier
  2. Master Username = mymasterusername
  3. Master Password = mymasterpassword
  • Yes i've tried, but to no avail.. Commented Oct 5, 2016 at 5:18
  • I use this query "SELECT * FROM dba_users;" the account_status is open for SYSTEM Commented Oct 5, 2016 at 5:23

1 Answer 1


The SYS user, SYSTEM user, and other administrative accounts are locked and cannot be used More

The Amazon documentation for Oracle on Amazon RDS says you have to use master user which has the DBA privilege and other users like SYS and SYSTEM are locked by default and cannot be used.

SYSDBA privilege is not available for customer in Amazon RDS so Amazon EC2 might be a better choice for you and can have full control over the database and high privileged user like SYS and SYSTEM user.

Useful links:

  • Best Practices for Running Oracle Database on Amazon Web Services
  • Common DBA Tasks for Oracle DB Instances
  • Oracle on Amazon RDS

  • 1
    • This is quite frustrating... I'm running IBM MobileFirst application setup and it prompts for SYSTEM password by default... Hope there's a way to access the system user Commented Oct 5, 2016 at 5:31

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