I have a list of data that includes values and the time those values were recorded. I would like to pivot this data so that i have as columns the individual types of observations and the date/time that they were made.
Here's SQL to create some sample data:
id smallint identity primary key,
grp varchar(3) not null,
k varchar(10) not null,
ts datetime not null,
val varchar(25)
INSERT INTO @Source (grp, k, ts, val) VALUES
('HTZ', 'color', '2014-11-19 14:22:57.633', 'Orange'),
('HTZ', 'shape', '2014-07-23 18:31:51.797', 'Cone'),
('HTZ', 'subst', '2014-01-12 04:09:15.300', 'Canvas'),
('KTU', 'color', '2014-03-08 09:16:47.450', 'Yellow'),
('KTU', 'shape', '2014-01-27 03:51:11.810', 'Octagon'),
('KTU', 'subst', '2014-06-01 20:43:22.577', 'Granite'),
('QXR', 'color', '2014-08-13 05:18:21.917', 'Pink'),
('QXR', 'shape', '2014-09-02 12:27:13.233', 'Ovoid'),
('QXR', 'subst', '2014-08-21 16:52:32.067', 'Steel'),
('WOR', 'color', '2014-09-07 01:43:55.723', 'Teal'),
('WOR', 'shape', '2014-03-14 22:04:23.680', 'Square'),
('WOR', 'subst', '2014-04-06 04:36:28.167', 'Plastic');
This is what I'm trying to achieve:
grp color shape subst color_ts shape_ts subst_ts
---- -------- -------- -------- ----------------------- ----------------------- -----------------------
HTZ Orange Cone Canvas 2014-11-19 14:22:57.633 2014-07-23 18:31:51.797 2014-01-12 04:09:15.300
KTU Yellow Octagon Granite 2014-03-08 09:16:47.450 2014-01-27 03:51:11.810 2014-06-01 20:43:22.577
QXR Pink Ovoid Steel 2014-08-13 05:18:21.917 2014-09-02 12:27:13.233 2014-08-21 16:52:32.067
WOR Teal Square Plastic 2014-09-07 01:43:55.723 2014-03-14 22:04:23.680 2014-04-06 04:36:28.167
I've tried the following query:
;WITH data AS (
SELECT grp, k, k_ts = k + '_ts', ts, val
FROM @Source
FROM data
PIVOT ( MAX(val) FOR k IN ([color], [shape], [subst]) ) p1
PIVOT ( MAX(ts) FOR k_ts IN ([color_ts], [shape_ts], [subst_ts]) ) p2
However, I end up with one row per grp+k, instead of one per grp. What am I missing?