I am developing a function in Postgres which aims to recover for each record of a query the value of a result of a check contained in a set of functions. Only one of these functions will return the correct value. These functions have a common prefix 'fn_condition_' and receive an object of type 'my_table' as parameter.

As the number of functions that make the check is unknown, I decided to consult the Postgres catalog, from the table pg_catalog.pg_proc searching for functions with the prefix 'fn_condition_' and dynamically execute them with EXECUTE.

My problem is the correct form to pass the parameter for EXECUTE.

create or replace function test_conditions()
returns void as 
    v_record my_table%rowtype;
    v_function pg_proc%rowtype;    
    set search_path = 'pg_catalog';

    for v_record in (select * from my_table where id in (1,2,3)) loop
        for v_function in (
            SELECT  p.proname
            FROM    pg_namespace n
            JOIN    pg_proc p
            ON      p.pronamespace = n.oid
            WHERE   n.nspname = 'operacional'
            and p.proname like ('fn_condition\\_%')
            order by p.proname) 
         -- execute 'select ' || v_function.proname || '(' || v_record || ')';  -- ???
        end loop;
    end loop;
language plpgsql;

How to pass v_record properly in the commented EXECUTE command in the function above?

execute 'select ' || v_function.proname || '(' || v_record || ')';  -- ???

Example function:

create or replace function fn_condition_1(p_record my_table)
returns bigint as 
    if ($1.atributo1 > $1.atributo2) then
        return 1;
    end if;
    return null;
language plpgsql;
  • set search_path = 'pg_catalog'; in the function body is almost certainly wrong (in multiple ways). What is the schema of my_table? Commented Jan 22, 2016 at 17:43
  • I know this does not answer the question, but please consider upgrading your DB - it is currently 7 versions behind. Commented Jan 22, 2016 at 17:44
  • The whole idea behind this approach is .. dubious. You are wide open to SQL injection. The procedure seems very inefficient. There is probably a better approach. Commented Jan 22, 2016 at 17:49
  • The schema of table my_table is public. This example is only ilustration of my real problem. My single problem in this scope is to pass the rowtype object for a function fn_condition_1. @ErwinBrandstetter Commented Jan 22, 2016 at 18:47
  • And you are serious about Postgres 8.3? It's not a typo and you mean 9.3 by any chance? Commented Jan 22, 2016 at 19:07

1 Answer 1


Use the USING clause of EXECUTE to pass values safely and efficiently. That's not available in your outdated version 8.3, yet. There it could could work like this:

  LANGUAGE plpgsql
  SET search_path = 'public' AS
   _rec    record;
   _func   text;
   _result bigint;
   FOR _func in
      SELECT  p.proname
      FROM    pg_catalog.pg_namespace n
      JOIN    pg_catalog.pg_proc      p ON p.pronamespace = n.oid
      WHERE   n.nspname = 'operacional'
      AND     p.proname LIKE E'fn\\_condition\\_%'  -- no parens, proper string
      ORDER   BY p.proname  -- no parens
      FOR _rec in
         SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE id IN (1,2,3)  -- no parens needed
         EXECUTE 'SELECT ' || quote_ident(_func) || '(' || quote_literal(_rec) || ')'
         INTO _result;
         RETURN NEXT _result;
      END LOOP;


SELECT * FROM test_conditions();

If you use set search_path = 'pg_catalog'; in the function body, then your table in the public schema is not visible any more. And it would be a very bad idea to globally SET the search path. The effect stays for the duration of the session. You could use SET LOCAL to contain it to the transaction, but that would still be a bad idea. Instead, if you really need to, set the environment of the function only, like demonstrated.
More about the search path in Postgres:

Just executing a SELECT without assigning or returning the result would be pointless. Use the INTO clause of EXECUTE and then RETURN NEXT. In modern Postgres you would replace the inner loop with RETURN QUERY EXECUTE.

Use quote_ident() and quote_literal() to escape identifiers and literals properly when building a dynamic query string. In modern Postgres you would use format().

It's not very efficient to cast the whole row to it's string representation, escape and cast back. This alternative approach has to read from the table repeatedly, but is cleaner otherwise (the row is passed as value directly):

  FOR i IN
     VALUES (1), (2), (3)
     EXECUTE 'SELECT ' || quote_ident(_func) || '(t) FROM my_table t WHERE id = ' || i
     INTO _result;
     RETURN NEXT _result;

Example function

You can also radically simplify your example function with this SQL function:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fn_condition_1(p_record my_table)
  RETURNS bigint
   SELECT CASE WHEN $1.atributo1 > $1.atributo2 THEN bigint '1' END
  • 1
    Erwin, thank you for your answer. It worked perfectly. Moreover I learned other things. Thank you again. Commented Jan 26, 2016 at 18:01
  • 1
    thanks, i had similar problem because of these types record and rowtype, and your answer fix my problem (version 9.6)
    – HudsonPH
    Commented Mar 20, 2018 at 12:05

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