Am trying to add a date string onto this function so instead of getting ALL records I am looking to only get the last 7 days.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.customerOrders(_customer_id integer, _startperiod timestamp with time zone, _endperiod timestamp with time zone, _sort_field_and_direction character varying, _limit integer, _offset integer, OUT id integer, OUT customerid integer, OUT description character varying, OUT placedon timestamp with time zone)
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
f_string TEXT;
f_max_rows INTEGER := 100;
f_string := '';
f_string := 'WITH
limited_orders AS (SELECT * FROM customerorder
WHERE customer_id = ' || _customer_id || '
ORDER BY order_id DESC
LIMIT ' || f_max_rows || '
orders AS(
SELECT order_id, customer_id, order_placed_on,order_description
FROM limited_orders
WHERE customer_id = ' || _customer_id || '
GROUP BY order_id, customer_id,order_placed_on,order_description
SELECT order_id as id, customer_id as customerId, order_description as description, order_placed_on as placedOn
FROM customerorder
(order_placed_on >= ''%s'' AND order_placed_on <= ''%s'')
ORDER BY ' || _sort_field_and_direction || ' LIMIT ' || _limit || ' OFFSET ' || _offset;
raise notice '%', f_string;
EXECUTE FORMAT(f_string, _startperiod, _endperiod);
At present if I call the function
SELECT * FROM public.customerOrders('2579927','2022-10-01'::date,'2022-10-05'::date,'placedOn DESC','50','0')
The function works as expected. However, what I am trying to achieve is the _startPeriod
and _endPeriod
to either be a default of 30 days, with _startPeriod
being the earlier date (30 days from today) and _endPeriod
being today (current_date or now()
for example).
I have tried declaring a _startperiod
and _endperiod
like in the below.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.customerOrders1(_customer_id integer, _sort_field_and_direction character varying, _limit integer, _offset integer, OUT id integer, OUT customerid integer, OUT description character varying, OUT placedon timestamp with time zone)
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
f_string TEXT;
f_max_rows INTEGER := 100;
_startPeriod DATE;
_endPeriod DATE;
_startperiod := 'select current_date - 30';
_endPeriod := 'select current_date';
f_string := '';
f_string := 'WITH
limited_orders AS (SELECT * FROM customerorder
WHERE customer_id = ' || _customer_id || '
ORDER BY order_id DESC
LIMIT ' || f_max_rows || '
orders AS(
SELECT order_id, customer_id, order_placed_on,order_description
FROM limited_orders
WHERE customer_id = ' || _customer_id || '
GROUP BY order_id, customer_id,order_placed_on,order_description
SELECT order_id as id, customer_id as customerId, order_description as description, order_placed_on as placedOn
FROM customerorder
(order_placed_on >= ''%s'' AND order_placed_on <= ''%s'')
ORDER BY ' || _sort_field_and_direction || ' LIMIT ' || _limit || ' OFFSET ' || _offset;
raise notice '%', f_string;
EXECUTE FORMAT(f_string, _startperiod, _endperiod);
Am trying to default it so the startperiod is 30 days ago and the end period is today, but when I go to run the new function.
SELECT * FROM public.customerOrders1('2579927','placedOn DESC','50','0');
I get:
ERROR: invalid input syntax for type date: "select current_date - 30"
Is there a better approach to this?
Ideally what I would like is for the startPeriod and endPeriod to allow inputs when calling the function but if no inputs are added in then to default to the last 30 days.
... order_placed_on >= (select current_date - 30) ...
?...order_placed_on >= 'select current_date - 30'...