
I have the following set-up in MySQL database:

  id SERIAL,
  name VARCHAR(100),
  group_id INT,
  price DECIMAL(10,2),
  KEY items_group_id_idx (group_id),

(1, 'Item A', NULL, 10),
(2, 'Item B', NULL, 20),
(3, 'Item C', NULL, 30),
(4, 'Item D', 1,    40),
(5, 'Item E', 2,    50),
(6, 'Item F', 2,    60),
(7, 'Item G', 2,    70);


I need to select:

  • All items with group_id that has NULL value, and
  • One item from each group identified by group_id having the lowest price.

Expected results

| id | name   | group_id | price |
|  1 | Item A |     NULL | 10.00 | 
|  2 | Item B |     NULL | 20.00 | 
|  3 | Item C |     NULL | 30.00 | 
|  4 | Item D |        1 | 40.00 | 
|  5 | Item E |        2 | 50.00 | 

Possible solution 1

Two queries with UNION ALL:

SELECT id, name, group_id, price FROM items
WHERE group_id IS NULL
SELECT id, name, MIN(price) FROM items
GROUP BY group_id;
| id | select_type  | table      | type | possible_keys      | key                | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra                                        |
|  1 | PRIMARY      | items      | ref  | items_group_id_idx | items_group_id_idx | 5       | const |    3 | Using where                                  | 
|  2 | UNION        | items      | ALL  | items_group_id_idx | NULL               | NULL    | NULL  |    7 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort | 
| NULL | UNION RESULT | <union1,2> | ALL  | NULL               | NULL               | NULL    | NULL  | NULL |                                              | 

However it is undesirable to have two queries since there will be more complex condition in WHERE clause and I would need to sort the final results.

Possible solution 2

GROUP BY on expression (reference)

SELECT id, name, group_id, MIN(price) FROM items
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | items | ALL  | NULL          | NULL | NULL    | NULL |    7 | Using temporary; Using filesort | 

Solution 2 seems to be faster and simple to use but I'm wondering whether there is a better approach in terms of performance.

Update: According to MySQL documentation, this query is illegal in SQL92 and earlier and may work in MySQL only.

  • See groupwise max. (Or MIN, in your case.)
    – Rick James
    Commented Mar 15, 2016 at 4:25
  • 1
    What should happen on ties (two rows with same group_id and same lowest price)? Commented Mar 15, 2016 at 12:05
  • @ypercubeᵀᴹ, good question. Both solutions return only one item (that was inserted first?) with minimal price which is fine for me. Commented Mar 15, 2016 at 12:09
  • By the way, the queries are invalid not only in SQL-92. They are invalid in any ANSI SQL version. It would be valid in recent versions, only if group_id was the PRIMARY KEY or a UNIQUE NOT NULL column. But then you wouldn't need the group by ;) Commented Mar 15, 2016 at 16:06

2 Answers 2


First, do not use either of your two queries. Both have a group by some column (GROUP BY group_id) and then select other columns, non-aggregated (SELECT id, name). This may give you wrong and unexpected results, despite that it may work in your tests, with some small sized table.

Second, the UNION ALL is not a problem. If the two subqueries perform efficiently, then the final union is ok, too. If you need a sort, the efficiency will depend on how that sort differs from the indexes used.

Now, the problem of "groupwise-max" or "greatest-n-per-group" has many solutions (and even a tag, both at SO and here). There are two sub-problems, depending on whether ties can happen and what the wanted results are in those cases.

If you want all the tied rows, the solution with GROUP BY inside a derived table is usually good. In your case, that you want just one row returned per group, another approach is easier to write and usually performs very well when there is a small number of group overall:

SELECT id, name, price 
FROM items
WHERE group_id IS NULL


SELECT i.id, i.name, i.price 
    ( SELECT DISTINCT group_id 
      FROM items
      WHERE group_id IS NOT NULL
    ) AS di
    items AS i
  ON  i.id = 
    ( SELECT id
      FROM items 
      WHERE group_id = di.group_id
      ORDER BY price, id             -- order for resolving ties
      LIMIT 1
    <some_columns> ;                 -- final order

An index on (group_id, price, id) will be helpful

  • Thank you very much for your thorough answer and solution, it works. But the output from EXPLAIN shows that this solution is superior in terms of performance. Commented Mar 15, 2016 at 14:52
  • Have you made actual tests in a reasonable sized table? I don't object that some other solution may be more efficient but the Explain alone is not proof. Commented Mar 15, 2016 at 15:54

According to this answer by @axiac, better solution in terms of compatibility and performance is shown below.

It is also explained in SQL Antipatterns book, Chapter 15: Ambiguous Groups.

To improve performance, combined index is also added for (group_id, price, id) as suggested by @ypercube.


SELECT a.id, a.name, a.group_id, a.price
FROM items a
LEFT JOIN items b 
ON a.group_id = b.group_id 
AND (a.price > b.price OR (a.price = b.price and a.id > b.id))
WHERE b.price is NULL;

See explanation on how it works for more details.

By accident as a side-effect this query works in my case where I needed to include ALL records with group_id equals to NULL AND one item from each group with the lowest price.


| id | name   | group_id | price |
|  1 | Item A |     NULL | 10.00 | 
|  2 | Item B |     NULL | 20.00 | 
|  3 | Item C |     NULL | 30.00 | 
|  4 | Item D |        1 | 40.00 | 
|  5 | Item E |        2 | 50.00 | 


| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys                 | key                | key_len | ref                        | rows | Extra                    |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | a     | ALL  | NULL                          | NULL               | NULL    | NULL                       |    7 |                          | 
|  1 | SIMPLE      | b     | ref  | PRIMARY,id,items_group_id_idx | items_group_id_idx | 5       | agi_development.a.group_id |    1 | Using where; Using index | 

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