I am aware this question has been asked before. I have been following the extensive troubleshooting steps at MSQL Tips as well as every answer I can find on Google. I am really stumped.

The error is as follows:

enter image description here

I cannot seem to get past this error. Every time I install/uninstall MS SQL Server I receive the same error. I have even performed a hard reset of the laptop removing even the BIOS information but I still get the same error. I have discovered that installs of MS SQL Server are concurrent so this perhaps explains it.

I even set up a virtual machine running Windows 7 to debug and got the exact same message. The application can be run on a different workstation and works perfectly. It seems the issue is something hard coded on to my computer.

  • Have you tried OSQL -L or SQLCMD -L to see if the server is responding? Commented Jul 11, 2016 at 23:17

4 Answers 4


Not knowing the full details of your issue by your question try the following:

Option 1:

Temporarily disable Windows Firewall and test your SQL script once more:

enter image description here

Option 2:

Make sure NetBIOS is enabled in the TCP/IP settings of the network adapter you are using:

enter image description here

Option 3:

Ensure that SQL Server protocols are enabled through SQL Server Configuration Manager:

enter image description here

Option 4:

Try a combination of two or more options above.


You may get this type of error due to using small (-s) instead of capital (-S)... please check the parameter character by changing upper/ lower case...

I had already faced this type of issue and resolved by doing this.


In my case (Windows 7, SQL Server 2014 Express, call sqlcmd from a bat file, named pipes error 53), it was a combination of:

  1. Enabling Named Pipes and TCP/IP in SQL Server Configuration Manager\SQL Network Configuraton, as suggested in @Sting's answer above
  2. Using the correct Server Name in

    sqlcmd -S <ServerName> -i <.sql file>

    You can get this string from the Connect to Database Engine pop-up in MSSQL Server Management Studio, or by querying the database:

    SELECT @@servername

The command line:

    sqlcmd -L

was no help in this case, as it still lists a blank line, even after I got the batch file working.


If using localdb, put (localdb)\ before server instance name. I should particularly stress on using a back-slash \.

(BTW, experiences are only useful when we remember them, unlike me re-experiencing and re-finding the solution after 2 years...)

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