I am trying to design a table that will contain the following information. Basically this is a table to lookup security roles. The catch for this is that for each ObjectType, you might have special actions they can or cannot do.
For example, ObjectType A, you can Assign, Complete, Close, for ObjectType B you can Recieve, Release, and Reject. For each of these special actions they can or cannot do them.
- UserID
- ObjectTypeID
- Create (yes or no)
- Read (yes or no)
- Delete (yes or no)
- Update (yes or no, in addition to a list of ActionID's that are specific to ObjectType)
note: int? = nullable integer
I came up with the following table structure, but the problem is that I would have to add another column if I wanted to I realized I don't have enough columns to contain all possible actions for that specific ObjectType. Also, that just seems kinda of sloppy, and not very Normalized.
How I can make this more Normalized?
int | int | bit |bit | bit | bit | int? | int? | int? |...
int | int | varchar
int | int | varchar