I've got this issue which has me baffled at the moment.
When I came in this morning there were 2 instances on a server with 4 SQL Server instances who had a backupthread
process which got stuck when I killed this SQL Server process this stayed in the killed/rollback state. When trying to kill the process which was the culprit this showed to be a process which was non-existing. So after some googling and consulting with co workers we thought it best to restart the SQL Server instance.
So far so "good".
When stopping and then starting the SQL Server service again, the service refused to start. with the following error: The process cannot access a file because it used by another process.
And it was using the master.mdf file.
When checking which process was using the file it was the SQLservr.exe process which was using the file. (Using process explorer https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896653.aspx)
When I looked over to services, the service of the instance was successfully stopped. The Process however was still running according to task manager and process explorer although it was not using any resources.
When trying to kill this process ID it gave me an access denied error, when trying to kill it through command line with using taskkill /pid XXXX /F
it still gives me access denied error, even when running as administrator with local admin and domain admin account.
The only shortterm solution was rebooting the Server, this solved the issue. Until I tried to restart the service again. When we got the same problem again.
EDIT: They rebooted again without my knowledge, now the issue cannot be recreated
SQL Server is patched until the latest version, however the Windows server has not been patched since 2013.
We are running on SQL Server 2012
and Windows server 2012
Is this a known issue with windows server? Is this a SQL Server issue? Any guidance or information would be helpful.