I have a data set that looks like this:
SELECT team_name, match_id, sections_won
( 'Team A', 6 , 4 ),
( 'Team B', 6 , 1 ),
( 'Team A', 19 , 4 ),
( 'Team A', 8 , 4 ),
( 'Team B', 19 , 1 ),
( 'Team B', 8 , 1 ),
( 'Team A', 7 , 4 ),
( 'Team B', 7 , 1 )
) AS t(team_name, match_id, sections_won);
It's for a game, so teams compete in matches. The match has a possible 5 points and in these examples 1 team is winning 4 of the 5 sections
I'd like to pivot this into a scoreboard where the report looks like this:
Name Match 6 Match 7 Match 8 Match 19
Team A 4 4 4 4
Team B 1 1 1 1
I've done this kind of thing before but I can't get this one to work for some reason.
The query looks a little like this. I tried to simplify for examples sake.
select *
from crosstab(
select game.team_name::text, game.match_id, sum(game.rank)::int4
from game
where rank = 1 -- i only want the sections the team won, then sum above.
group by 1,2
) as ct("Team" text, "Match 6" int4 ,"Match 7" int4 ,"Match 8" int4 ,"Match 19" int4)
The resulting data set looks like this though, which I don't get:
Name Match 6 Match 7 Match 8 Match 19
team a 4 null null null
team b 1 null null null
team a 4 4 null null
team b 1 1 null null
team a 4 null null null
team b 1 null null null
Any thoughts? I've spent several hours on this puppy so far. Driving me nuts! :)