When contemplating the problem that your are describing, I thought that a VIEW and a TRIGGER won't give you the solution you are after. (My current view is: a VIEW should be used for viewing or for creating "virtual tables", and TRIGGERs are best avoided ... but that's just me.) Instead, I have written some example code for a PROCEDURE that could do the job. I have changed the table names slightly (I have used the prefix "se" for "stackexchange"), but have kept the column names and the constraints:
-- DDL code
cust_id number primary key,
cust_name VARCHAR2(100),
cust_phone VARCHAR2(20)
address VARCHAR2(500),
area VARCHAR2(100)
cust_id NUMBER REFERENCES SECustomer ( cust_id ),
Address_id NUMBER REFERENCES SEAddress ( address_id ),
PRIMARY KEY ( cust_id, address_id )
For the procedure's logic, I have more or less coded what you have specified in your comment (27 Apr 2017, 1221 hours):
"The first thing added is the phone no. of the customer. Then we check
if the phone no. already exists in the customer table we use the id
corresponding to that phone no. else we create a new id and add
customer details and address details."
I have sprinkled some comments into the code, so that it is easier to see what's going on. Also, there are quite a few dbms_output.put_line() statements. These should be removed if you really use the procedure in a "serious" setting.
create or replace procedure addnewclient (
phone VARCHAR2
, customername VARCHAR2
, anaddress VARCHAR2
phonecount number := 0 ;
newcustid number := 0 ; -- only needed if the customerid is NOT generated
maxcustid number := 0 ; -- latest/highest customer_id using a particular phone number
newaddressid number := 0 ; -- only if addressid is NOT generated
existingaddr number := 0 ;
errorcode number := 0 ;
errormsg varchar2(128) := '' ;
-- does the phone number exist?
select count(cust_phone) into phonecount from secustomer
where phone = cust_phone ;
-- if ids are NOT "generated always as identity"
select max(cust_id) + 1 into newcustid from secustomer ;
if phonecount > 0 then -- phone number exists, use an existing address
dbms_output.put_line('phone number ' || phone || ' EXISTS in customer table') ;
-- Use the newest customerid (in customer table)
select max(cust_id) into maxcustid from secustomer where cust_phone = phone ;
insert into secustomer (cust_id, cust_phone) values (newcustid, phone);
dbms_output.put_line(' INSERT (Customer) -> new customer id, existing phone number ') ;
-- Find the address id for the newest customerid (in intersection)
select address_id into existingaddr from secustadd where cust_id = maxcustid ;
insert into secustadd values (newcustid, existingaddr) ;
dbms_output.put_line(' INSERT (CustAddr) -> new customer id, existing address id') ;
elsif phonecount = 0 then -- we need to record a new address
dbms_output.put_line('phone number ' || phone || ' does NOT exist in customer table') ;
-- Generate a new id (only needed if customer_id is NOT generated!)
select max(address_id) + 1 into newaddressid from seaddress ;
insert into secustomer (cust_id, cust_phone) values (newcustid, phone) ;
dbms_output.put_line(' INSERT (Customer) -> new customer id, new phone number ') ;
insert into seaddress (address_id, address) values (newaddressid, anaddress) ;
dbms_output.put_line(' INSERT (Address) -> new address id, a new address ') ;
insert into secustadd values (newcustid, newaddressid) ;
dbms_output.put_line(' INSERT (CustAddr) -> new customer id, new address id ') ;
end if;
when others then
errorcode := SQLCODE;
errormsg := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 128);
dbms_output.put_line('ERROR: ' || errorcode || ' ' || errormsg ) ;
I have assumed that you are NOT using auto-ids (...generated always as identity). For testing, I suggest that you INSERT just one line of test data into each table - for starters -, and then call the procedure from an anonymous block (several times).
-- insert some test data
insert into secustomer (cust_id, cust_phone) values (1, '123456789') ;
insert into seaddress (address_id) values (50) ;
insert into secustadd values (1, 50) ;
-- testing:
-- phone number exists
addnewclient('123456789', 'first_new', 'newaddress1') ;
-- phone number does not exist
addnewclient('333444555', 'second_new', 'newaddress2') ;
I'm sure this will need some more tweaks (exception handling etc), but it should get you started.
Best of luck!