You could add a declare @idebug int
variable to your stored procedures and then code around the important bits when you require relevant information.
Your stored procedure would then look a bit like this:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspDoSomething]
@iiDebug int = 0
/* debugging configuration */
declare @debug int
/* debug settings
1 = turn on debug information
2 = turn on all possible outputs
4 = turn on transaction handling
e.g.: Adding an @iDebug paramter of 6 will turn on transaction handling
and turn on all possible output information
e.g.: Adding an @iDebug value of 1 will turn on debugging information
set @debug = @iiDebug
if @debug & 1 = 1 print 'Checking variables...'
/* If general output has been turned on print output*/
if @debug & 2 = 2
PRINT 'Debug comment here' + convert(varchar(100), @iRetVal) + 'Debug comment here' + convert(varchar(20),getdate())
close <cursor_name>
deallocate <cursor_name>
This is just an example of how it can be done.
You would then call the sproc with:
execute uspDoSomething @iiDebug = 3
...which would the provide basic (bitwise 1
) and detailed (bitwise 2
) information, depending on where you inserted the relevant code.
I had issues once while running a stored procedure that wasn't producing the right results and I had to debug the individual statements, so I just entered the various debugging levels in the stored procedure and when required ran the sproc with the relevant @iiDebug
values depending on the level of information I required.
Examples of input values:
@iiDebug = 1 -- > Basic "where am I in the sproc" information
@iiDebug = 2 -- > Print of @nvSQL values
@iiDebug = 4 -- > Run individual execution of statements in BEGIN and COMMIT transactions
Examples as code (input variable @iiDebug
is stored in @debug
in the sproc code):
set @debug = @iiDebug
if @debug & 4 = 4
begin tran mojo
if @debug & 2 = 2 then print @nvSQL
exec @iRetVal = sp_executesql @nvSQL
if @iRetVal <> 0
/* If transactions have been turned on then rollback if failed */
if @debug & 4 = 4
rollback tran mojo
/* If transactions have been turned on then commit on success */
if @debug & 4 = 4
commit tran mojo
These are just quick examples of how you can introduce debugging without having access to the SQL Server Debugger or the required privileges.
It can be a bit of a performance hog and is better removed from production.
statements... ;)