I have a table that contains a master list of items and an associated table that contains a unique text string only on specific values (determined by the application that inserts the data).
Example: Master Table (Assets)
Asset_ID IP Address Operating System Host Name
1 123.456.789.125 Windows BobsComputer
2 987.654.321.126 Windows TomsComputer
3 456.123.789.127 Windows JennysComputer
The associated table Unique_ID looks like this, joined on the Asset_ID
Special_ID Asset_ID Unique_ID
1 1 xhsieriyfh0308487
2 3 098uindifnoei8384
What I am trying to get is a query that gives me a count of all items both IN Unique_ID and NOT IN Unique_ID Essentially the output I'm looking for is:
With_Unique_ID Without_Unique_ID
2 1
I know it has something to do with making subqueries but I can't seem to find the right syntax/command order to make it work. It's postgresql if that makes a difference.