I want to delete records from a table that are not found in a subquery. But it's not having the desired result.
The table has multiple rows per SKU. Each price row has a valid_from
and valid_to
date fields. I want to erase all prices but keep those that are currently valid (where valid_to
is greater or equal to current date). I want to maintain future prices (where valid_from
is in the future), but one step at a time.
Here's what I tried:
delete from prices
where prices.id <> (
select distinct on (sku) prices.id
from prices p2
p2.valid_to >= CURRENT_DATE
and p2."type" = 'regular'
and prices.id = p2.id
order by sku, p2.valid_from desc, p2.inserted_at desc
The table has around 500k rows. This subquery returns around 23k rows. I expect that my above query will delete everything but those 23k rows.
select distinct on (sku) prices.id
from prices
valid_to >= CURRENT_DATE
and "type" = 'regular'
order by sku, valid_from desc, inserted_at desc
But it's not deleting anything. Why does it not work the way I expect it to?
CREATE TABLE "public"."prices" (
"id" Bigint DEFAULT nextval('prices_id_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL,
"type" Character Varying( 255 ) NOT NULL,
"unit_price" Numeric( 11, 3 ) NOT NULL,
"wholesale_price" Numeric( 11, 3 ),
"min_wholesale_quantity" Numeric( 11, 3 ),
"valid_from" Date NOT NULL,
"valid_to" Date NOT NULL,
"product_cost" Numeric( 11, 3 ) NOT NULL,
"tax_rate" Numeric( 11, 3 ) NOT NULL,
"store_product_id" Bigint,
"inserted_at" Timestamp Without Time Zone NOT NULL,
"updated_at" Timestamp Without Time Zone NOT NULL,
"sku" Character Varying( 2044 ),
PRIMARY KEY ( "id" ) );
CREATE INDEX "prices_store_product_id_index" ON "public"."prices" USING btree( "store_product_id" Asc NULLS Last );
CREATE INDEX "index_sku" ON "public"."prices" USING btree( "sku" Asc NULLS Last );
ALTER TABLE "public"."prices"
ADD CONSTRAINT "prices_store_product_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ( "store_product_id" )
REFERENCES "public"."store_products" ( "id" ) MATCH SIMPLE
ON UPDATE No Action;
statements for the tables in question adding the desired output. Those answering need a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example. Use formatted text please, no screen shots.valid_from
is in the past or future. I want to erase all prices and only leave those currently valid. I know my query will also erase future prices (those wherevalid_from
is in the future), but one step at a time.