I have two systems that are on the same network. I am able to ping back and forth between these systems with their IP address and with their system names. I have enabled the TCP port 1433 inbound and outbound on both systems. I have enabled TCP in the SQL Server Configuration Manager.
I have created an SQL Server Authentication and have the server on mixed login.
I am able to connect to the server from the system it is running on by using the following:
- Authentication: SQL Server Authentication
- Login: admin
However, if I change the Server name to tcp:DESKTOP,1433\SQLEXPRESS
I am unable to connect. If I change the Authentication mode back to Windows I am able to connect using the above server name.
This is my first time using SQL and I am very confused why I am having this issue. I would like to be able to connect to this server through TCP so that I may connect to it remotely with another system on the same network. Any information or links would be greatly appreciated.