Perform the following commands in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) on the SQL Server instance you are trying to restore the database to.
Verify BAK File
This should provide you with a result set that looks like this:
The backup set on file 1 is valid.
Possible Errors
If the check terminates abnormally then the cause could be because one of these checks have failed:
Checks performed by RESTORE VERIFYONLY include:
- That the backup set is complete and all volumes are readable.
- Some header fields of database pages, such as the page ID (as if it were about to write the data).
- Checksum (if present on the media).
- Checking for sufficient space on destination devices.
Reference: RESTORE Statements - VERIFYONLY (Transact-SQL) (Microsoft | SQL Docs)
Check the BAK Fileheader
This should provide you with a result set that looks like this:
BackupName BackupDescription BackupType ExpirationDate Compressed Position DeviceType UserName ServerName DatabaseName DatabaseVersion DatabaseCreationDate BackupSize FirstLSN LastLSN CheckpointLSN DatabaseBackupLSN BackupStartDate BackupFinishDate ........
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ........
NULL NULL 1 NULL 0 1 2 NT SERVICE\SQLSERVERAGENT NOTHING StackExchange 782 2019-07-24 09:17:00.000 1688399872 568000013810400037 568000013813600001 568000013810400037 568000013524000037 2020-01-15 19:25:27.000 2020-01-15 19:25:29.000 ........
Check the Contents of the BAK File
This should provide you with a result set that looks like this:
LogicalName PhysicalName Type FileGroupName Size MaxSize FileId CreateLSN DropLSN UniqueId ReadOnlyLSN ReadWriteLSN BackupSizeInBytes SourceBlockSize FileGroupId LogGroupGUID DifferentialBaseLSN DifferentialBaseGUID IsReadOnly IsPresent TDEThumbprint
------------------------ ---------------------------------------------- ---- ---------------- ------------ --------------- ------- ------------------- -------- ------------------------------------ ------------------- ------------------ ------------------ --------------- ----------- ------------- -------------------- ------------------------------------ ---------- --------- --------------
StackExchange C:\SQL\SQL_DATA\StackExchange.mdf D PRIMARY 2623537152 35184372080640 1 0 0 725120E9-8DF3-4E09-9A89-94433A6EB49B 0 0 1687224320 4096 1 NULL 568000013524000037 707694EC-A36C-444A-8879-C807B2137455 0 1 NULL
StackExchange_DefRO C:\SQL\SQL_DATA\StackExchangeRO.ndf D DEFAULTRO 5242880 35184372080640 3 89000000045300001 0 05C6BA44-123A-4749-8FB5-A0A16EF49A51 102000000014600005 90000000013100004 131072 4096 2 NULL 568000013524000037 707694EC-A36C-444A-8879-C807B2137455 1 1 NULL
StackExchange_PUBL_SNAP C:\SQL\SQL_DATA\StackExchange_PUBL_SNAP.ndf D PUBL_SNAP_DBASE 5242880 35184372080640 4 286000001633700001 0 DCA761C4-6260-4BE3-8280-64099C98911D 0 0 131072 4096 3 NULL 568000013524000037 707694EC-A36C-444A-8879-C807B2137455 0 1 NULL
StackExchange_log C:\SQL\SQL_LOGS\StackExchange_log.ldf L NULL 21798322176 2199023255552 2 0 0 364124B1-081E-45C5-971C-2CD1CBBF13EC 0 0 0 4096 0 NULL 0 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 0 1 NULL
If the Steps Fail
If any of the above steps fail, then you will have to determine what the issue is. The RESTORE ...
command should provide enough information to assist you in finding the root cause.
Example Solutions
If the backup file is corrupt, then you will have to find a backup file that works.
If the disk is full, then you will have to add additional space.
If all else fails, then you might have to open a case with Microsoft Support.
Best Practice
(emphasis mine)
Test your backups!
You do not have a restore strategy until you have tested your backups. It is very important to thoroughly test your backup strategy for each of your databases by restoring a copy of the database onto a test system. You must test restoring every type of backup that you intend to use. It is also recommended that once you restore the backup, you perform database consistency checks via DBCC CHECKDB of the database to validate the backup media was not damaged.
Reference: Back Up and Restore of SQL Server Databases (Microsoft | SQL Docs)