I would like to insert array of unique uuid values in table with uuid column as primary key. Table structure is

CREATE TABLE Organisation (uuid id PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4());

e.g. I have 2 organisations, so I am trying to implement it with query looks like

INSERT INTO Organisation (uuid) VALUES (unnest(array_fill(uuid_generate_v4()::uuid, ARRAY[2]))) RETURNING uuid as uuid_org;

It fails with

ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "organisation_pkey"

because query fairly tries to insert two duplicated not-unique values, e.g.


My trick works when RETURNING ids or uuids while inserting in tables with not the only column - I pass the uuid column and query automatically generate unique uuids that I can aggregate (see below for table TimeSlice).

Generally, my idea is to insert simultaneously in several tables using WITH:

WITH ins_ts as (INSERT INTO TimeSlice (validTimeBegin) VALUES 
             (unnest(array_fill('2020-01-02'::datetype, ARRAY[2])))
             RETURNING id as id_ts),
     ins_org AS (INSERT INTO Organisation (uuid) ... ---my fail query ),
INSERT INTO OrganisationTimeSlice (idTimeSlice, uuid, name) 
            VALUES (unnest(array(select array_agg(id_ts) from ins_ts)), 
    (unnest(array(select array_agg(uuid_org) from ins_org))),
                     unnest(array['name1', 'name2']));

Where am I wrong?

To clarify why this needs to be an array instead of e.g. explicitly providing two rows like this:

INSERT INTO Organisation (uuid) VALUES (uuid_generate_v4()), (uuid_generate_v4())

This is because I have a variable number of organisations, that I set in ARRAY[number_of_organisations]. Therefore I need to generate a variable number of uuids.


2 Answers 2


N.B.: This was originally suggested by a_horse_with_no_name in a comment.

The solution by fds can be simplified to

select uuid_generate_v4() from generate_series(1,30);

Assuming you don't actually want them in an array, since you are unnesting it right away, here's how to generate a table of any amount of UUIDs:

WITH RECURSIVE genx(n, uu) AS (
  VALUES (1, uuid_generate_v4())
  SELECT n + 1, uuid_generate_v4()
  FROM genx WHERE n < 30
) SELECT uu FROM genx;

Change the 30 to as many as you want!


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