I am new to Oracle SQL, but I want to give it a shot and play around with the HR schema. I don't want to use a VM, because I had a lot of issues with them.
Setup: Oracle Server setup on WIN64 PC. HR and SYS works fine. ( --> to understand later on)
Trying to connect via MacOS and SQL Developer (
On my Mac I am able to ping and the other way around ( (PC) to (MAC)).
So then I setup my listener (listener.ora) and my tnsnames.ora in the way oracle wants me to do (examples folder).
After this setup I rebooted the server. Now I tried to connect as HR to my machine. (On my win pc I can connect and use HR and sys schema.) connectionHR
After trying to connect, a "Testing connection" window opens and closes after 1 minute.
Status: No success: I/O-Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
Ive also tried to import the tnsnames.ora file and start from this file, but this wouldn't work either.
EDIT: I updated my listener.
Anmeldung bei (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=localhost)(PORT=1521)))
Version TNSLSNR for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production
Startdatum 27-DEZ-2020 00:11:42
Uptime 0 Tage 0 Std. 3 Min. 14 Sek.
Traceebene off
Sicherheit ON: Local OS Authentication
Parameterdatei des Listener C:\Users\Ben\Desktop\db_home\network\admin\listener.ora
Logdatei des Listener D:\benOracle\diag\tnslsnr\DESKTOP-FT8E4S1\listener\alert\log.xml
Zusammenfassung Listening-Endpunkte...
Services ▄bersicht...
Dienst "52448234712340b69f274bcc790ecfe0" hat 1 Instanzen.
Instanz "orcl", Status READY, hat 1 Handler f³r diesen Dienst...
Dienst "CLRExtProc" hat 1 Instanzen.
Instanz "CLRExtProc", Status UNKNOWN, hat 1 Handler f³r diesen Dienst...
Dienst "cfc353defce0494a8a440e7d1f817c2d" hat 1 Instanzen.
Instanz "orcl", Status READY, hat 1 Handler f³r diesen Dienst...
Dienst "orcl" hat 1 Instanzen.
Instanz "orcl", Status READY, hat 1 Handler f³r diesen Dienst...
Dienst "orclXDB" hat 1 Instanzen.
Instanz "orcl", Status READY, hat 1 Handler f³r diesen Dienst...
Dienst "orclpdb" hat 1 Instanzen.
Instanz "orcl", Status READY, hat 1 Handler f³r diesen Dienst...
Der Befehl wurde erfolgreich ausgef³hrt.
Host= Localhost
Why is host still the local ?
--> This is in German. Comment if translation is needed.
lsnrctl status
. Does it list your instance? You may need to connect locally and make sure you haven’t setlocal_listener
to only register with a specific listener, but most likely you need to include a domain.lsnrctl status
listener:lsnrctl stop listenermac
. Remove it from thelistener.ora
and restart the main listener again.