I'm not sure if topic can get you understand what I want to explain. Follow guide in my old question, now I have these tables and its columns:

  • Course: name,...
  • Topic: name, course_id
  • Question: content, topic_id
  • GeneralExam: name, description, semester, number_question (total number of questions of general exam), duration, used (boolean), user_id, course_id
  • GeneralQuestion: general_exam_id, question_id

To sum up association:

  • Course - Topic: one-to-many
  • Topic - Question: one-to-many
  • Course - GeneralExam: one-to-many
  • Question - GeneralExam: many-to-many, join table: GeneralQuestion

Now, When creating new General Exam (GE) for a course, I want to specific a number of questions for each topic of that course, so that I can get questions for that GE ( I want to do(specific) it on form, I had a form for create new GE now). So, should I create new table to store a number of questions of each topic of course when creating new GE? If I should, how table I should design?

I image table I should design will like this (I can't get name of table now):

NameOfTable: general_exam_id, course_id, topic_id, number_question

Is this table good?

1 Answer 1


If the number of questions for each topic on each course varies from one General Exam to another, then yes, you want a structure like this (which is pretty much what you have):

GE_ID int FK
Course_ID int FK
Topic_ID int FK
MaxQuestions int
  • yes, every GE has different number of questions of course's topics. Ah, maybe I don't need Course_ID, because it's already in GE table, right?
    – Thanh
    Commented Nov 18, 2012 at 19:55

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