I am using:
mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.3.31-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 5.2
I have a wordpress db that I am trying to migrate from one dev environment to another, but I am getting this error when I try to import the db to the new location via phpmyadmin.
Does anyone know how I can resolve this? thx
How I made my dump.sql file: 1.) in the PMA for my old multisite installation (functioning, no problems), I login as a superuser (not root) that I created that has global GRANT ALL privileges on all dbs.
2.) I create a new dbuser that matches the dbuser on my target (new) multisite, -without- a default db.
3.) Then, I select the old multisite in pma -> operations and copy the desired db to a new db that has the same name as the user that I just created in step two
4.) THIS IS WHEN THINGS GET WEIRD After the new db has been created, inside pma I go to user accounts so that I can grant my new user all privileges on the new db. That's when I notice something weird in the title of db, that wasn't in the title of db when I used this same process to successfully migrate a different multisite. Screenshot:
For reasons, unbeknownst to me, PMA is adding a "" to the dbname. And just to confirm, the name is shown correctly on previous screen:
When I go back to pm -> user accounts -> databases, this is what I see:
5.) If I ignore the weird name and export the db to a .sql file, I get the error seen above, when I try to import.