I've seen related questions but I think this should be working and isn't. I have a text_ops function based index on column to do LIKE searches, but it only picks up the index with an equals:
CREATE INDEX foo ON mytable USING btree ((upper((street)::text), group_id, current_version, pending, storage_id);
This query is lightning fast on my 113M row table:
select * from mytable
where upper(street) = '104 LESHAWN COVE'
and group_id = 5022352
and current_version = 1
and pending = 0
The corresponding LIKE is takes a couple of minutes:
select * from mytable
where upper(street) LIKE '104 LESHAWN COVE%'
and group_id = 5022352
and current_version = 1
and pending = 0
The explain plan show the one using the index and the other not. I thought the text_ops indexed column should allow for the LIKE to work, but I must be missing something here.
show lc_collate
I don't know that it matters, but this is on a partitioned table on the group_id column which also exists in the index for unpartitioned environments. The index is on the partition in this case.
So what am I missing. These operator classes are new to me, so I must not understand part of it.