There is a good public example for this: The relational model of ChEMBL (A bioactive molecule database). Here all strong entities (such as molecules) have a database-wide unique identifier which also serves as an universal identifiers: ChEMBL ID (such as CHEMBL25 for ASPIRIN). These strong entities also have their own incremental bigint primary keys (Such as 1280 for the same Aspirin entity)
The model has the chembl_id_lookup
which holds these two identifiers, and the additional high level metadata for these strong entities. The strong entity relations also stores both of these identifiers.
However isn't this a bit redundant:
Why don't they just use the numeric component of ChEMBL ID as strong entity primary keys. For example CHEMBL25 can be transformed into 25 as a strong entity primary key? It would be still unique. They already used bigint, which surely can hold all their entities. Do their method have any performance, integrity or clarity benefits over the proposed alternative?
Additional notes:
Their latest database dumps and schema diagram can be downloaded from here.
Update 1
I ask this because I develop relational data model from scratch for biomedical research which is bit wider scope than ChEMBL’s. Still ChEMBL is close enough to be an one of my inspirations. So I am not planning to change ChEMBL’s schema.
I plan to narrow db interactions to calling stored procedures. So universal identifier —-> surrogate bigint key transformation will be transparent for users and applications
Update 2
The proposed alternative does not change the fact that integers are used as surrogate primary keys, but instead of generating them for each tables as identities, a globally unique integer sequence would be generated for all strong entities. And if you concatenate this number with your prefix then it will be the universal identifier.
This kind of handling of identifiers is used for identify genes in the Enterez platform of the National Center of Biological Information. For example the gene CAN1 has the GeneID:856646
for its universal identifier ready to be referenced by external systems and its numeric part 856646
is it unique identifier (UID) inside their database. However I do not know what kind of database is used there.
in their schema. Whichtable.column
are you referring to?