I took the DS210 course offered by Datastax and prepared a cluster of almost the same configuration by myself. I edited the /etc/dse/cassandra/cassandra-env.sh file in Exercise 2.3, but I still got "Failed to connect over JMX; not collecting these statscassandra-stress" error message; I get "not collecting these stats" and cassandra-stress does not work properly. When I look at the jconsole, the graph is working, so it seems to be collecting information. What should I change? I am running on DSE 6.8.
cassandra-stress cassandra-stress user profile=/home/cassandra01/ubuntu/stress/TestProfileEdited.yaml ops(insert=1,user_by_email=1) -node -port jmx="7199"
Type: user
Count: -1
No Warmup: false
Consistency Level: LOCAL_ONE
Target Uncertainty: 0.020
Minimum Uncertainty Measurements: 30
Maximum Uncertainty Measurements: 200
Command Ratios: {insert=1.0, user_by_email=1.0}
Command Clustering Distribution: clustering=gaussian(1..10)
Profile File(s): /home/cassandra03/ubuntu/stress/TestProfileEdited.yaml
Auto: true
Min Threads: 4
Max Threads: 1000
Distribution: Gaussian: min=1,max=1000000,mean=500000.500000,stdev=166666.500000
Wrap: false
Revisits: Uniform: min=1,max=1000000
Visits: Fixed: key=1
Row Population Ratio: Ratio: divisor=1.000000;delegate=Fixed: key=1
Batch Type: not batching
Ignore: false
Tries: 10
No Summary: false
No Settings: false
No Progress: false
Show Queries: false
Query Log File: null
File: null
Interval Millis: 1000
Connection Style: CQL_PREPARED
CQL Version: CQL3
Protocol Version: DSE_V2
Username: null
Password: null
Auth Provide Class: null
Max Pending Per Connection: 128
Connections Per Host: 8
Compression: NONE
Nodes: []
Is White List: false
Datacenter: null
Keyspace: null
Replication Strategy: org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy
Replication Strategy Options: {replication_factor=1}
Table Compression: null
Table Compaction Strategy: null
Table Compaction Strategy Options: {}
truststore=null; truststore-type=null; truststore-password=null; keystore=null; keystore-type=null; keystore-password=null; ssl-protocol=TLS; ssl-alg=SunX509; ssl-ciphers=TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA,TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA;
Native Port: 9042
JMX Port: 7199
Send To Daemon:
*not set*
File: null
Revision: unknown
Title: null
Operation: USER
Wrap: true
Split Factor: 1
******************** Profile(s) ********************
Keyspace Name: dse_stress
Keyspace CQL:
CREATE KEYSPACE dse_stress WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'};
Table Name: user_by_email
Table CQL:
CREATE TABLE user_by_email (
email TEXT,
password TEXT,
user_id UUID,
PRIMARY KEY ((email))
Extra Schema Definitions: null
Generator Configs:
password: Size: Exponential: min=8,max=30,mean=14.234680;Identity: Uniform: min=1,max=1000000;
email: Size: Gaussian: min=8,max=30,mean=19.000000,stdev=3.666667;Identity: Exponential: min=1,max=1000000,mean=144764.693015;
user_id: Size: Fixed: key=4;Identity: Uniform: min=1,max=1000000;
Query Definitions:
get_user: CQL:select * from user_by_email where email = ?;Fields:samerow;
Token Range Queries:
Insert Settings:
partitions: fixed(1)
batchtype: UNLOGGED
select: fixed(1)/1
Connected to cluster: Test Cluster, max pending requests per connection 128, max connections per host 8
Datacenter: dc1; Host: /192.168.xx.xxx; Rack: rack1
Datacenter: dc1; Host: /192.168.xx.xxx; Rack: rack1
Datacenter: dc2; Host: /192.168.xx.xxx; Rack: rack1
Created schema. Sleeping 1s for propagation.
Insert Statement:
UPDATE user_by_email SET password = ?,user_id = ? WHERE email = ?
Generating batches with [1..1] partitions and [1..100] rows (of [1..1] total rows in the partitions)
Sleeping 2s...
Warming up insert with 0 iterations...
Failed to connect over JMX; not collecting these stats