Are there any tables that I can get all Oracle supported system privileges and object privileges? I know there is a view called all_sys_privs in Oracle. But I can't find more information about it.


  • DBA_SYS_PRIVS describes system privileges granted to users and roles. What I need is all the privileges names that Oracle support. Commented Aug 29, 2011 at 8:41

3 Answers 3


Perhaps you are looking for SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP?

  • Yes, it's this view. How about all object privileges? Commented Aug 29, 2011 at 9:18
  • If you want a list of all possible object privileges, you will have to construct it from dba_objects Commented Aug 29, 2011 at 9:22

You can look into sys.table_privilege_map (at-least 11g onwards, might exist before but I have no way to check) for a listing of possible object privileges, be warned not all apply to all object types.


Try this query for object privileges by object type.

SELECT o.object_type, t.privilege 
FROM dba_tab_privs t
JOIN dba_objects   o
  ON t.owner = o.owner
 AND t.table_name = o.object_name
GROUP BY o.object_type, t.PRIVILEGE
ORDER BY o.object_type, t.PRIVILEGE

The following takes into account privilege types that exist in table_privilege_map but not in the existing database objects.

SELECT o.object_type, m.name AS privilege 
FROM table_privilege_map m
LEFT OUTER JOIN (dba_tab_privs t
      JOIN dba_objects   o
        ON t.owner = o.owner
       AND t.table_name = o.object_name)
GROUP BY o.object_type, m.NAME
ORDER BY o.object_type, m.name

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