I am trying to restore a backup from a split .bak file[.bak_1/.bak_2/.bak_3]. The backup is password protected. So far this is what I have and I cannot seem to format in a way that does not throw me an error.
USE master
RESTORE DATABASE client_a_database1
FROM DISK = 'G:\database1\***.bak_1',
DISK = 'G:\database1\***.bak_2',
DISK = 'G:\database1\***.bak_3'
WITH MOVE 'database1_data' TO 'G:\database1\***.mdf'
MOVE 'database1_log' TO 'G:\database1\***.ldf', REPLACE,
Password 'password'
With this format I am getting an error on the Password that I have added.