It seems easy but I'm missing something. I have a MySQL database that is connected from access through ODBC connector.

I'm looking for the fields where there are # symbol but I'm getting zero results, although I have a field with # (Access query).


id    obs
1     #rejected

Access Query where I do not have any results

SELECT id, obs
FROM Person
WHERE obs Like '*#*'

+info added from answers

MySQL Query works fine

SELECT id, obs
FROM Person
WHERE obs Like '%#%'

SELECT id, obs
FROM Person
WHERE obs LOCATE('#',obs) >0

Which is the escape character in Access? Any ideas to fix Access query?

3 Answers 3


For Access you can use:

WHERE obs LIKE '*[#]*'

There are three wildcard characters in Access that can be used with LIKE operator:

`*` for a string of arbitrary length (equivalent ANSI: `%`)
`?` for a single character (equivalent ANSI: `_`)
`#` for a single numeric digit 
`[` for escaping

If you want to search for one of those wildcards, you have to enclose them in brackets: [ ]

You can find more info in the msdn article: Separate But Equal Wildcard Characters in SQL Server and Access


Just replace the '*' with '%' as

SELECT id, obs
FROM Person
WHERE obs Like '%#%'

To only check the occurrence of '#' you can use LOCATE()

SELECT id, obs
FROM Person
 WHERE LOCATE('#',obs) >0

Fiddle Demo

For you access query

SELECT id, obs
FROM Person
 WHERE obs Like '*[#]*'
  • You can remove the fiddle demos. SQL-Fiddle does not support Access. Commented Apr 3, 2014 at 13:09
  • @ypercube thanks i have updated my answer and removed fiddle for second query i have posted solution for mysql but my answer was edited by someone for access query Commented Apr 3, 2014 at 13:16

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