This might give you an idea:
create table Customer (
c_firstname varchar2(50),
c_lastname varchar2(50),
c_userid varchar2(50)
insert into Customer values ('Micky' , 'Mouse', 'mm');
insert into Customer values ('Donald', 'Duck' , 'dd');
insert into Customer values ('Peter' , 'Pan' , 'pp');
create or replace function GetCustomer(
FirstN varchar2 := null,
LastN varchar2 := null,
CID varchar2 := null
) return sys_refcursor
stmt varchar2(4000);
ret sys_refcursor;
stmt := 'select * from Customer where 1=1';
if FirstN is not null then
stmt := stmt || ' and c_firstname like ''%' || FirstN || '%''';
end if;
if LastN is not null then
stmt := stmt || ' and c_lastname like ''%' || LastN || '%''';
end if;
if CID is not null then
stmt := stmt || ' and c_userid like ''%' || CID || '%''';
end if;
open ret for stmt;
return ret;
Later, in SQL*Plus:
set serveroutput on size 100000 format wrapped
c sys_refcursor;
fn Customer.c_firstname%type;
ln Customer.c_lastname %type;
id Customer.c_userid %type;
c := GetCustomer(LastN => 'u');
fetch c into fn, ln, id;
while c%found loop
dbms_output.put_line('First Name: ' || fn);
dbms_output.put_line('Last Name: ' || ln);
dbms_output.put_line('user id: ' || id);
fetch c into fn, ln, id;
end loop;
close c;
Edit: The comment is right, and the procedure is subject to SQL injection. So, in order to prevent that, you could go with bind variables such as in this modified procedure:
create or replace function GetCustomer(
FirstN varchar2 := null,
LastN varchar2 := null,
CID varchar2 := null
) return sys_refcursor
stmt varchar2(4000);
ret sys_refcursor;
type parameter_t is table of varchar2(50);
parameters parameter_t := parameter_t();
stmt := 'select * from Customer where 1=1';
if FirstN is not null then
parameters(parameters.count) := '%' || FirstN || '%';
stmt := stmt || ' and c_firstname like :' || parameters.count;
end if;
if LastN is not null then
parameters(parameters.count) := '%' || LastN || '%';
stmt := stmt || ' and c_lastname like :' || parameters.count;
end if;
if CID is not null then
parameters(parameters.count) := '%' || CID || '%';
stmt := stmt || ' and c_userid like :' || parameters.count;
end if;
if parameters.count = 0 then
open ret for stmt;
elsif parameters.count = 1 then
open ret for stmt using parameters(1);
elsif parameters.count = 2 then
open ret for stmt using parameters(1), parameters(2);
elsif parameters.count = 3 then
open ret for stmt using parameters(1), parameters(2), parameters(3);
else raise_application_error(-20800, 'Too many parameters');
end if;
return ret;
Note, that now, whatever the input, the select statement becomes something like select ... from ... where 1=1 and col1 like :1 and col2 :2 ...
which is obviously much safer.