Hello I see similar questions has been ask before but I am having a bit of trouble with this issue, this is using excel 2013 data files and sql server 2012.

I have a foreach loop container

This for each has a enumerator of "Foreach file enumerator" for "*.xlsx"

On the Data Flow

In the ExcelFilePath I have a base file path

And in the Expression the one of the foreach loop, but if the base file is missing the package fail, unless it finds this starting "point". what I am doing wrong?.

1 Answer 1


I've run into this before and have used 2 different approaches.
If the process should only run if files exist, I've written a c# script to set a flag 'DataExists' so I can evaluate and take different paths within the SSIS package. The other is I have a dummy file on the directory and when I build the expression in the foreach container I use variables that will use that dummy file name/location if nothing else exists. Hope that helps.

  • I will take in consideration your C# approach at the moment I did a dummy file as you suggest.
    – Enrique
    Commented Aug 19, 2014 at 18:32

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