I have Oracle 10g XE database locally. I export schema with something like
exp %USER%/%PASSWD%@XE statistics=NONE owner=%USER% file=dump.dmp
Exp is version - so is the DB.
Than I take this dump to another machine and try to import it to another remote machine. With
imp %USER%/%PASSWD%/'' ignore=y file=dump.dmp full=y
Oracle client with imp is version and Oracle DB (normal, not express) is version
The problem is that after printing several messages about importing tables it suddenly stops:
. . importing table "TABLE_1" 17180 rows imported
. . importing table "TABLE_2" 0 rows imported
. . importing table "TABLE_3" 49 rows imported$:
and does not even give a newline symbol in the end.
The problem persists with rows=N and with only selected tables from this schema.
So can anybody tell:
- Where can be some error logs to know what is wrong?
- Some workaround (still using exp/imp utilities preferably) - we need to import dumps regularly (it is for continuous integration server), we need to do it from remote host (so impdp is hardly an option with need to mount so remote volumes), dependency on other DB is highly undesirable (dblink).
UPD: Unfortunately for all curious we have solved the problem switching continuous integration system to Oracle XE, where is no such problem. Sysadm has already switched off this server, so I cannot try anything. Sorry.
it and paste the final output?