I'm having trouble figuring out exactly how to place good boundaries for when and where to use lookup tables in a database. Most sources I've looked at say that I can never have too many but, at some point, it seems like the database would be broken down into so many pieces that, while it may be efficient, it is no longer manageable. Here's a thrown together example of what I'm working with:
Let's say I have a table called Employees:
ID LName FName Gender Position
1 Doe John Male Manager
2 Doe Jane Female Sales
3 Smith John Male Sales
Pretend for a moment that the data is more complex and contains hundreds of rows. The most obvious thing I see that could be moved to a lookup table would be Position. I could create a table called Positions and stick the foreign keys from the Positions table into the Employees table in the Position column.
ID Position
1 Manager
2 Sales
But how far can I continue to break the information down into smaller lookup tables before it becomes unmanageable? I could create a Gender table and have a 1 correspond to Male and a 2 correspond to Female in a separate lookup table. I could even put LNames and FNames into tables. All "John" entries are replaced with a foreign key of 1 that points to the FName table that says an ID of 1 corresponds to John. If you go down this rabbit hole too far like this, though, your Employees table is then reduced to a mess of foreign keys:
ID LName FName Gender Position
1 1 1 1 1
2 1 2 2 2
3 2 1 1 2
While this might or might not be more efficient for a server to process, this is certainly unreadable to a normal person who may be trying to maintain it and makes it more difficult for an application developer trying to access it. So, my real question is how far is too far? Are there "best practices" for this sort of thing or a good set of guidelines somewhere? I can't find any information online that really nails down a good, useable set of guidelines for this particular issue I'm having. Database design is old hat to me but GOOD database design is very new so overly technical answers may be over my head. Any help would be appreciated!