It's easy to set the LifeCycle status ( and other properties ) with emcli,

emcli set_target_property_value -property_records="sometestdatabase:rac_database:LifeCycle Status:Test"

but getting the current values isn't clear - I'm not seeing a verb in the reference.

Is the only way via SQL against the repository?

Thanks Simon

2 Answers 2


It seems that it's not possible, but, for the record, here's to get get the information via SQL.

SELECT CASE INSTR ( cm_target_name, '_' )
WHEN 0 THEN cm_target_name
    ELSE SUBSTR ( cm_target_name, 0, INSTR ( cm_target_name, '_') - 1 )
END database_name, property_value
FROM sysman.cm$em_tprops_ecm_view
WHERE cm_target_type = 'oracle_database'
AND property_name = 'orcl_gtp_lifecycle_status';

You can use "list" verb and use different filters with "search":

emcli list -resource="TargetProperties" -search="PROPERTY_NAME='orcl_gtp_lifecycle_status'" -column="TARGET_NAME,PROPERTY_VALUE" -format="name:csv"

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