Running sp_who2 and following the BlkBy trail up to the root cause of blocking returns a SPID which has CPUTime and DiskIO values of 0; yet it's blocking 4 other SPIDs.

I'm confused by how this is possible; the CPUTime in particular seems odd as in order to obtain a lock you'd have had to have spent some time requesting resources / requesting the lock itself.
CPUTime is in milliseconds, so whilst it's possible that the requesting and locking of resources occurs fast enough to have a rounded down value here, that is a little surprising.

Also, these SPIDS are sometimes a few minutes old; yet appear to have done nothing beyond cause blocking.


How is it possible for a SPID to cause blocking whilst having zero CPU Time?

I'm asking as I suspect something's lacking in my understanding of the CPU Time stat. If anyone can advise on sensible steps to aid in investigating such issues though that would also be useful.

  • 3
    Because it's waiting on something, not doing actual work. Stop using sp_who2 (it's undocumented, unsupported, and could disappear at any time) and grab sp_whoisactive from Adam Machanic or just look at sys.dm_exec_requests directly. It could be blocked or it could have a wait type that gives some clue about what it's waiting on... Commented Sep 22, 2015 at 15:59

1 Answer 1


This can sometimes happen when applications are using implicit transactions

It doesn't help that sp_who2 is really confusing -- Aaron is right that you're better off with sp_WhoIsActive or sp_BlitzWho to find running queries.

One dead giveaway of implicit transactions is seeing the query text like begin tran or IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0.

This can also happen when queries are using explicit transactions, of course. It's just far easier to catch those in code.

As to why CPU time is very low -- well it doesn't take much CPU to do an index seek to one row and lock it, then cause problems for any other queries that also want that row.

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