I'm having the trouble with the following query due to the growing size of the database ( websites is around a million rows, misspelled goes up to a couple millions )

It can reach up to 165 seconds in run time, I was wondering if there was a way to improve this without having to add additional columns to the tables, maybe using some king of index ?

SELECT contacturl, url 
FROM websites 
WHERE contactable = true
  AND websites.contacted = false 
  AND url IN (
    SELECT url
    FROM scans
    WHERE scanid IN (
      SELECT distinct(scanid)
      FROM misspelled
      WHERE word = ?

Edit : As requested, the output of the explain analyze :

enter image description here

Edit (1) : After Checking the explain statement output, this sing select seems to be taking most of the time :

select distinct(scanid) from misspelled where word = ?

2 Answers 2


Try going with an EXISTS test. First, let's be explicit about where the columns are coming from, also you don't need col = TRUE and col = FALSE on bools. You can simply say WHERE col or WHERE NOT col, I think that's a bit cleaner.

SELECT w.contacturl, w.url 
FROM websites AS w
WHERE w.contactable
  AND NOT w.contacted
  AND w.url IN (
    SELECT s.url
    FROM scans AS s
    WHERE s.scanid IN (
      SELECT distinct(m.scanid)
      FROM misspelled AS m
      WHERE m.word = ?

Now, with EXISTS,

SELECT w.contacturl, w.url 
FROM websites AS w
WHERE w.contactable
  AND NOT w.contacted 
    SELECT 1
    FROM scans AS s
    WHERE s.scanid IN (
      SELECT distinct(m.scanid)
      FROM misspelled AS m
      WHERE m.word = ?
    AND w.url = s.url

But you can do even better. DISTINCT just reduces duplicates for IN. With EXISTS duplicates are simply ignored.

SELECT w.contacturl, w.url 
FROM websites AS w
WHERE w.contactable
  AND NOT w.contacted 
    SELECT 1
    FROM scans AS s
    WHERE w.url = s.url
      SELECT 1
      FROM misspelled AS m
      WHERE m.scanid = s.scanid
      AND m.word = ?

That should be a lot faster, normally.


Replacing the IN with JOIN might do the trick.

   FROM misspelled
   WHERE word = ?),
     s2 AS
  (SELECT url
   FROM scans
   JOIN s1 USING (scanid))
SELECT contacturl,
FROM websites
JOIN s2 USING (url)
WHERE contactable = TRUE
  AND websites.contacted = FALSE;

Probably need many indexes:

  • word ON mispelled
  • url ON websites
  • contactable AND contacted ON websites

AND without CTEs (although I am not sure if it will improve performance):

SELECT contacturl,
FROM websites
  (SELECT url
   FROM scans
     (SELECT DISTINCT scanid
      FROM misspelled
      WHERE word = ?) s1 USING (scanid)) s2 USING (url)
WHERE contactable = TRUE
  AND websites.contacted = FALSE;
  • 2
    Use of a CTE here is likely to be extremely bad for performance. Use subqueries in FROM instead. PostgreSQL's CTEs are (unfortunately) optimisation fences. Commented Oct 14, 2015 at 23:00
  • Thanks, Performance got a little bit better, from 160 seconds to 60 seconds I think but it's still not enough. Commented Oct 20, 2015 at 8:50
  • 1
    I am sorry but 160-> 60s is not a little better. It is 3 times faster=300% improvement which is impressive. Realize that it cannot be improved by SQL rewrite. You do a JOIN on text values (url). Could not you use urlID?
    – Alexandros
    Commented Oct 20, 2015 at 9:17
  • Oh I know, I did not mean in anyway to under-mind your solution, an x3 improvement is quite something. But it happens that we have a dozen of these queries which are supposed load on a webpage. so you can understand which it's still not enough for this scenario. I'll have to go over the DB Schema and see if I can do something. Commented Oct 20, 2015 at 18:20
  • Actually, I re ran the tests with the same conditions ( I have a memory leak on my PC ) and I got the same results for both queries : Before : explain.depesz.com/s/EGBT After : explain.depesz.com/s/wFa4 I also tried adding a urlid, same thing Commented Oct 21, 2015 at 21:58

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