I have been having some performance issues running a simple query on PostgreSQL on a table that has about 3 million rows with a join on a table that has about 120 rows.
If I run a query only on the larger table (with no filters), the results will return immediately, but with the join, results take up to 2 minutes to return the same results.
Here is the query:
foi.fk_dim_product, count(1)
FROM evino_bi.fact_order_item AS foi
INNER JOIN dim_order_item_status AS dois
ON dois.id_dim_order_item_status = foi.fk_dim_order_item_status
WHERE dois.is_reserved = '1'
GROUP BY foi.fk_dim_product;
Running the EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, BUFFER), return the following:
HashAggregate (cost=1379364.80..1379391.01 rows=2621 width=4) (actual time=84822.667..84822.863 rows=630 loops=1)
Group Key: foi.fk_dim_product
Buffers: shared hit=181461 read=1061877
-> Hash Join (cost=6.38..1360785.99 rows=3715762 width=4) (actual time=0.180..84764.538 rows=96703 loops=1)
Hash Cond: (foi.fk_dim_order_item_status = dois.id_dim_order_item_status)
Buffers: shared hit=181461 read=1061877
-> Seq Scan on fact_order_item foi (cost=0.00..1301725.54 rows=5839054 width=8) (actual time=0.002..81484.109 rows=5837655 loops=1)
Buffers: shared hit=181458 read=1061877
-> Hash (cost=5.06..5.06 rows=105 width=4) (actual time=0.053..0.053 rows=70 loops=1)
Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 11kB
Buffers: shared hit=3
-> Seq Scan on dim_order_item_status dois (cost=0.00..5.06 rows=105 width=4) (actual time=0.005..0.038 rows=70 loops=1)
Filter: (is_reserved = 1)
Rows Removed by Filter: 40
Buffers: shared hit=3
Planning time: 0.623 ms
Execution time: 84836.100 ms
The problem that puzzles me the most is that the following query runs in milliseconds and returns the same data:
foi.fk_dim_product, count(1)
FROM evino_bi.fact_order_item foi
INNER JOIN dim_order_item_status dois
ON dois.id_dim_order_item_status = foi.fk_dim_order_item_status
WHERE dois.is_reserved || '' = '1'
Here is the EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, BUFFER) for the second statement:
HashAggregate (cost=555597.70..555623.91 rows=2621 width=4) (actual time=249.523..249.673 rows=630 loops=1)
Group Key: foi.fk_dim_product
Buffers: shared hit=134117
-> Nested Loop (cost=8172.60..555420.76 rows=35388 width=4) (actual time=2.971..219.564 rows=96860 loops=1)
Buffers: shared hit=134117
-> Seq Scan on dim_order_item_status dois (cost=0.00..6.30 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=0.011..0.101 rows=70 loops=1)
Filter: (((is_reserved)::text || ''::text) = '1'::text)
Rows Removed by Filter: 40
Buffers: shared hit=3
-> Bitmap Heap Scan on fact_order_item foi (cost=8172.60..553329.08 rows=208538 width=8) (actual time=1.205..2.484 rows=1384 loops=70)
Recheck Cond: (fk_dim_order_item_status = dois.id_dim_order_item_status)
Heap Blocks: exact=132362
Buffers: shared hit=134114
-> Bitmap Index Scan on fact_order_item_fk_dim_order_item_status (cost=0.00..8120.47 rows=208538 width=0) (actual time=0.467..0.467 rows=3903 loops=70)
Index Cond: (fk_dim_order_item_status = dois.id_dim_order_item_status)
Buffers: shared hit=1752
Planning time: 0.691 ms
Execution time: 249.917 ms
So, PostgreSQL is not planning my query adequately? Are there any performance tweaks that I can perform on my server to avoid the problems like on the first statement and helping PostgreSQL to plan better?
Also, why does the second statement runs absurdly faster?
I updated the question adding the information requested.
Here are the \d
for both tables. I've hid some columns from the fact_order_item because the table has almost 150 columns, most are simple numeric values.
Table "evino_bi.dim_order_item_status"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id_dim_order_item_status | integer | not null default nextval('dim_order_item_status_id_dim_order_item_status_seq'::regclass)
src_id_order_item_status | integer |
name | character varying(100) |
name_pt | character varying(100) |
is_reserved | smallint |
is_problem | smallint |
payment_status | character varying(15) |
macro_status | character varying(100) |
macro_status_pt | character varying(100) |
is_solid | smallint |
"dim_order_item_status_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id_dim_order_item_status)
"src_id_order_item_status_idx" UNIQUE, btree (src_id_order_item_status)
Table "evino_bi.fact_order_item"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id_fact_order_item | integer | not null default nextval('fact_order_item_id_fact_order_item_seq'::regclass)
src_id_order_item | integer |
src_fk_order | integer |
order_increment_id | character varying(50) |
order_type | character varying(50) |
is_instant_buy | smallint |
nfe_number | integer |
nfe_serie | integer |
nfe_key | character varying(50) |
nfe_created_at | integer |
nfe_created_at_time | integer |
nf_created_at_datetime | timestamp without time zone |
fk_dim_city | integer |
fk_dim_product | integer |
fk_dim_product_bundle | integer |
fk_dim_customer | integer |
fk_dim_logistics_provider | integer |
fk_dim_channel_last_click | integer |
fk_dim_source_medium_last_click | integer |
fk_dim_content_last_click | integer |
fk_dim_campaign_last_click | integer |
fk_dim_channel_lead | integer |
fk_dim_source_medium_lead | integer |
fk_dim_content_lead | integer |
fk_dim_campaign_lead | integer |
fk_dim_order_item_status | integer |
fk_dim_payment_method | integer |
fk_dim_subscription | integer |
fk_dim_order_volume_status | integer |
fk_dim_order_volume_micro_status | integer |
fk_dim_sales_rule | integer |
fk_dim_region | integer |
platform | character varying(40) |
created_at | integer |
created_at_time | integer |
created_at_datetime | timestamp without time zone |
updated_at | integer |
updated_at_time | integer |
updated_at_datetime | timestamp without time zone |
payment_confirmed_at | integer |
payment_confirmed_at_time | integer |
payment_confirmed_at_datetime | timestamp without time zone |
cm2 | numeric(10,4) |
etl_updated_at | timestamp without time zone |
variations | json |
"fact_order_item_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id_fact_order_item)
"fk_fact_order_item_src_id_order_item" UNIQUE, btree (src_id_order_item)
"fact_order_item_fk_dim_campaign_last_click" btree (fk_dim_campaign_last_click)
"fact_order_item_fk_dim_campaign_lead" btree (fk_dim_campaign_lead)
"fact_order_item_fk_dim_channel_last_click" btree (fk_dim_channel_last_click)
"fact_order_item_fk_dim_channel_lead" btree (fk_dim_channel_lead)
"fact_order_item_fk_dim_city" btree (fk_dim_city)
"fact_order_item_fk_dim_content_last_click" btree (fk_dim_content_last_click)
"fact_order_item_fk_dim_content_lead" btree (fk_dim_content_lead)
"fact_order_item_fk_dim_customer" btree (fk_dim_customer)
"fact_order_item_fk_dim_logistics_provider" btree (fk_dim_logistics_provider)
"fact_order_item_fk_dim_order_item_status" btree (fk_dim_order_item_status)
"fact_order_item_fk_dim_order_volume_status" btree (fk_dim_order_volume_status)
"fact_order_item_fk_dim_payment_method" btree (fk_dim_payment_method)
"fact_order_item_fk_dim_product" btree (fk_dim_product)
"fact_order_item_fk_dim_product_bundle" btree (fk_dim_product_bundle)
"fact_order_item_fk_dim_region" btree (fk_dim_region)
"fact_order_item_fk_dim_sales_rule" btree (fk_dim_sales_rule)
"fact_order_item_fk_dim_source_medium_last_click" btree (fk_dim_source_medium_last_click)
"fact_order_item_fk_dim_source_medium_lead" btree (fk_dim_source_medium_lead)
"fact_order_item_fk_dim_subscription" btree (fk_dim_subscription)
"fk_fact_order_item_created_at" btree (created_at)
"fk_fact_order_item_delivered_at" btree (delivered_at)
"fk_fact_order_item_nfe_number_id" btree (nfe_number)
"fk_fact_order_item_order_increment_id" btree (order_increment_id)
"fk_fact_order_item_payment_confirmed_at" btree (payment_confirmed_at)
"fk_fact_order_item_ready_for_picking_at" btree (ready_for_picking_at)
"fk_fact_order_item_shipped_at" btree (shipped_at)
"fk_fact_order_item_src_fk_order" btree (src_fk_order)
"fk_fact_order_item_updated_at" btree (updated_at)
As requested, here are my DB specs:
Amazon RDS SSD db.m4.xlarge, PostgreSQL 9.5.2, Memory 16 GB, 4 cores.
These configs should be set with the default values as I haven't tweaked any of them:
cpu_tuple_cost: 0.01
random_page_cost: 4
shared_buffers: 4058056kB
work_mem: 64000kB
effective_cache_size: 8116112kB
as mentioned in wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Slow_Query_QuestionsCREATE TABLE
statements (and indexes). Or the output of\d tablename
for both of them.is_reserved
correctly with a number?where dois.is_reserved = 1
foi.fk_dim_order_item_status in (12,43,53 ...)
with the IDs that satisfydois.is_reserved = 1
, I receive the same slow results.