In a INSERT trigger based table partition, insert always give "0 row affected". I think this problem is well know, it is even in the todo.

Is there any workarounds for this issue in 9.4?

  • None I know of, which is a pity. Commented Nov 5, 2015 at 3:50

1 Answer 1


You can try to catch the number of inserted rows using GET DIAGNOSTICS and then raise a notice/warning/whatever you prefer. Here is a small illustration:

DO $$
    DECLARE cnt integer;
        INSERT INTO b SELECT i FROM generate_series(1,9) t(i);
        RAISE WARNING '% row(s) affected', cnt;
-- gives:

WARNING:  9 row(s) affected
  • no, this won't work if b is a partitioned table.
    – J-16 SDiZ
    Commented Nov 9, 2015 at 7:54
  • @J-16SDiZ Sure. If b is a partitioned table, there is possibly a trigger redirecting the INSERTs - this is what you state in your question, too. This is an example for that trigger. If b itself is a partitioned table, then you have subpartitions, which you should have mentioned in your question. But then there must be a trigger on b to redirect INSERTs and so on... Commented Nov 9, 2015 at 8:26

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