I'm a dba new to postgresql. I have Linux RedHat 7 without openshift.

I have to install some DB on 9.4 version with postgis.

My sysadmin has published the following repositories :

  • RHEL 7 server
  • yum.postgresql.org for 9.2, 9.3 and 9.4

I managed to install :

  • Postgres 9.2 from postgresql.org repo with postgis 2.1 for PG9.2
  • Postgres 9.4 from RH repo

And the issue is when I want to have PostGis for PG9.4, I can't find it anywhere in the repos.

Which repo, which package should I have to get PostGis for PG9.4 ?


1 Answer 1


You will probably want the postgis2_94.x86_64 package from the pgdg94 repository, because that is the official RPM package repository for the PostgreSQL project. It also includes a rich ecosystem of tools around PostgreSQL in addition to all of the currently supported PostgreSQL releases according to the Versioning Policy of the PostgreSQL project.

  • Thanks, it was easy but helped à lot. My sysadmin had a filter on his sattelite which prevent the correct package to show up. Commented Nov 24, 2015 at 14:58

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