I am generating a query that returns a set of profiles that meet all the conditions posted below
I am receiving the data like so in Ruby, then making a dynamic MySQL query based on the contents -
[{ attribute_id: 58, parent_profile_name: 'Douglas-Connelly' },
{ attribute_id: 26, parent_profile_name: 'Brekke LLC' },
{ attribute_id: 35, val: 'Asa' },
{ attribute_id: 38, val: 'Stanton' }]
These are the current contents of the database
profile_id attribute_id parent_profile_id val
6 58 2
6 26 5
6 35 nil 'Asa'
6 38 nil 'Stanton'
id name
2 Douglas-Connelly
5 Brekke LLC
6 nil
I need to return all profiles that meet all the conditions - profiles that have a relation to profile_attribute_values, where the attribute_id is x, and the val is y, AND where the attribute_id is x, and the parent_profile name = y
FROM profile_attribute_values PAV
INNER JOIN profiles P1 ON P1.id = PAV.parent_profile_id
INNER JOIN profiles P2 ON P2.id = PAV.profile_id
WHERE (PAV.ne_attribute_id = '58' AND P1.`name` = 'Douglas-Connelly')
) A,
FROM profiles P1
INNER JOIN profile_attribute_values PAV ON P1.id = PAV.profile_id
INNER JOIN profile_attribute_values PAV2 ON P1.id = PAV2.profile_id
WHERE (PAV.ne_attribute_id = '35' AND PAV.val = 'ASA')
AND (PAV2.ne_attribute_id = '38' AND PAV2.val = 'Stanton')
) B
WHERE A.id = B.id
This will return
id name
6 nil
which is exactly what I want, though the tricky part is the second parent_profile condition where I need attribute_id 26, and parent_profile_name: 'Brekke LLC'
I know this wont work, but I need this to do something like this
FROM profile_attribute_values PAV
INNER JOIN profiles P1 ON P1.id = PAV.parent_profile_id
INNER JOIN profiles P2 ON P2.id = PAV.profile_id
WHERE (PAV.ne_attribute_id = '58' AND P1.`name` = 'Douglas-Connelly')
AND (PAV.ne_attribute_id = '26' AND P1.`name` = 'Brekke LLC')
) A,
I am generating the SQL statement dynamically, so I really need it to be as clean as possible. I generally use ruby active record for everything, so I am a little babied when it comes to SQL statements. Thanks!
PRIMARY KEY(profile_id, ne_attribute_id)