My application uses mongodb to store order information. At some point orders are sent after which I need to generate some reporting of all orders in a timerange.
To give an idea of my order document:
status: [type: String, range: 6 different statuses],
timestamp: [date],
id: [int, range: about 50]
other non searchable indexed data
other non searchable indexed data
With a single collection I would query:
{ "status": "SENT", "" : ..., "timestamp" : {$gte: ..., $lt: ...}}
With an indexes like:
{ "status" : 1, "timestamp" : -1, "" : 1}
{ "status" : 1, "timestamp" : 1, "" : 1}
I would be able to query these rows. However I found that multiple criteria in a query would slow it down.
So my question is:
Is it better (performance wise, but also best practices) to use compound indexes with compound queries or to have multiple collections for different status (like order_sent, order_new, order_finished) when the database has millions of orders.
Or in other words, how much of a performance impact does extra criteria have on a correctly index query (and are the proposed indexes viable for this situation).