I am trying to migrate to a new PostgreSQL database on Amazon Redshift and get the following error:
Connection to jdbc:postgresql://redshift-cluster-i-created:5439/dev wasn't established. ERROR: code 0
To connect I am using the AWS Schema Conversion Tool->Connect to Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL.
Server name: Cluster-name-as-created-on-redshift
Server port: 5439 as is the default AWS port
Database: left blank to connect to the default database I created
User name and password as created on AWS.
For the Server name I also tried the JDBC URL as per the cluster info on AWS but without the 'jdbc:redshift://' prefix or ':5439/dev' postfix.
Then I tried the public IP address of the AWS cluster for the Server name, then I tried the AWS cluster Endpoint as the Server name.
None worked. Any ideas?