Can you run Distinct()
on XML
? I ask because if you look at this garbage data, it produces this error
SQLState = 37000, NativeError = 402
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]The data types char and xml are incompatible in the add operator.
SQLState = 37000, NativeError = 8180
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Statement(s) could not be prepared.
How can I succesfully run this bcp statement with Distinct and Cast to XML?
Declare @TestData Table (pinkpurpleblue varchar(max))
Insert Into @TestData (pinkpurpleblue) Values
('xx11'), ('rr22'), ('xx11'), ('rr22')
Declare @file nvarchar(200), @sql nvarchar(max)
Set @file = 'C:\Prod\Results\testing.csv'
Set @sql = 'bcp "Select ''pinkpurpleblue'' UNION ALL SELECT CAST(DISTINCT(pinkpurpleblue) As XML) FROM @TestData''" queryout "'
Set @sql = @Sql + @file + '" -c -t, -T -S '+@@SERVERNAME
exec master..xp_cmdshell @sql
Even with this syntax I get the same error, and (I think) I am only attempting to cast a nvarchar column to xml in this example
Declare @TestData Table (pinkpurpleblue varchar(max))
Insert Into @TestData (pinkpurpleblue) Values
('xx11'), ('rr22'), ('xx11'), ('rr22')
Create Table #Test123
pinkpb varchar(max)
Insert Into #Test123 (pinkpb)
Select DISTINCT(pinkpurpleblue) FROM @TestData
Declare @file nvarchar(200), @sql nvarchar(max)
Set @file = 'C:\Prod\Results\testing.csv'
Set @sql = 'bcp "Select ''pinkpurpleblue'' UNION ALL SELECT CAST(pinkpurpleblue As XML) FROM #Test123''" queryout "'
Set @sql = @Sql + @file + '" -c -t, -T -S '+@@SERVERNAME
exec master..xp_cmdshell @sql