I have a role named db_executor
and need to find out what permissions it has on what objects. I found List all permissions for a given role? but the only solution that remotely works is:
,p.[name] AS 'PrincipalName'
,p.[type_desc] AS 'PrincipalType'
,p2.[name] AS 'GrantedBy'
,so.[Name] AS 'ObjectName'
,so.[type_desc] AS 'ObjectType'
FROM [sys].[database_permissions] dbp LEFT JOIN [sys].[objects] so
ON dbp.[major_id] = so.[object_id] LEFT JOIN [sys].[database_principals] p
ON dbp.[grantee_principal_id] = p.[principal_id] LEFT JOIN [sys].[database_principals] p2
ON dbp.[grantor_principal_id] = p2.[principal_id]
WHERE p.[name] = 'db_executor'
The problem is that the ObjectName
and ObjectType
. So while I know it only has the EXECUTE
permission in a state of GRANT
I don't know to what object(s) that applies to. Is there a better way to get this list or how can I modify this code to list the Object(s)?