A fairly easy option I like is just using PowerShell.
Get the out-datatable.ps1 module from CodePlex here and loop through your .csv files.
Then generate a SQL statement to create your table and use SQL bulk insert to load your data into your table.
This is a script that could do what you want, it processes .txt files as tab-delimited and csv files as comma-delimited.
You may need to adapt it a bit for your needs, it's a script I used somewhere and tried to clean up before posting:
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
# #
# Define paths and connectionstring #
# #
$ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost; Database=dbname; Trusted_Connection=True;";
$ScriptDirectory = "C:\\scriptdirectory"
$FilePath = "C:\\import\\csv\\"
# #
# Import CSV Files #
# #
# Local variables
$CreateStatement = ""
# Go to working directory
Set-Location $ScriptDirectory
# Source script from https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/4208a159-a52e-4b99-83d4-8048468d29dd
. ".\Out-DataTable.ps1"
# Process files recursively
$Files = Get-ChildItem -Include @("*.txt","*.csv") -rec $FilePath | Where-object {!$_.psIsContainer -eq $true}
foreach ($File in $Files)
$TableName = $File.BaseName
# Read in CSV
if ($File.Extension -eq ".txt")
$csvDataTable = Import-CSV -Delimiter "`t" -Path $TempFileName | Out-DataTable
Remove-Item $TempFileName
if ($File.Extension -eq ".csv")
$csvDataTable = Import-CSV -Delimiter ";" -Path $File.FullName | Out-DataTable
$bulkCopy = new-object ("Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy") $ConnectionString
$bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = "[" + $TableName + "]"
# If datatable exists, create table & import datatable
if ($csvDataTable -ne $null)
# Create Table
$CreateStatement = "CREATE TABLE [" + $TableName + "] ("
foreach($Column in $csvDataTable.Columns)
$CreateStatement += "[" + $Column.ColumnName + "] NVARCHAR(MAX),"
# remove last column & close parentheses
$CreateStatement = $CreateStatement.Substring(0,$CreateStatement.Length-1) + ")"
$Connection = new-object system.data.SqlClient.SQLConnection($ConnectionString);
$cmd = new-object system.data.sqlclient.sqlcommand($CreateStatement, $Connection);
if ($cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() -ne -1)
Throw "Create Table failed"
It does have an issue with creating every column as NVARCHAR, that may not be suitable for your needs, but the datatable doesn't detect the data type unfortunately, if you figure that out let me know how you did it.