A simple approach, using the PostgreSQL tools and git
(or the CVS of your choice), is to have a periodic task (with cron
or equivalent) that runs a script doing two things:
the schema of your development database into a schema.sql
file, by means of: pg_dump --host my_host --username "postgres" --format plain --schema-only --create --encoding --file schema.sql my_database
(you should have .pgpass adequally set to deal with identification/authorization).
git add schema.sql | git commit -a -m "Possible schema changes to the DB"
Even if this is not perfect, it allows to have a (daily?) record of schema changes. When you need to deploy all those changes, your schema.sql
has all the SQL instructions necessary.
It is not easy to have branches and merges, but it would be actually possible if, as part of your "switch branch process", you actually drop your database and recreate it from schema.sql
, and have some extra mechanism to fill it with adequate data. git
can deal with schema.sql
because it's a text file, it could also deal with a database.sql
that would include all the data (assuming the size is reasonable).