Can you do k-nearest neighbors algorithm (k-NN) queries on MySQL for example, to find the nearest point in PostgreSQL with PostGIS, I can run a kNN query on the spatial index with <->
SELECT ST_AsText(geom), city
FROM person.address
ORDER BY geom <-> 'POINT(-121.626 47.8315)'
SQL Server has a similar method,
DECLARE @g geography = 'POINT(-121.626 47.8315)';
SELECT TOP(7) SpatialLocation.ToString(), City
FROM Person.Address
WHERE SpatialLocation.STDistance(@g) IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY SpatialLocation.STDistance(@g);
Both PostgreSQL and SQL Server have KNN. What is the MySQL equivalent of <->
to do KNN on their spatial index?
If you don't know what KNN is, you can see a description of it here
The KNN system works by evaluating distances between bounding boxes inside the PostGIS R-Tree index.
Because the index is built using the bounding boxes of geometries, the distances between any geometries that are not points will be inexact: they will be the distances between the bounding boxes of geometries.
The kicker here is that the KNN approach,
- Does not require you to confine the query to a distance with a
clause - Does not calculate all of the distances between all of the points
- Can find the nearest point on the index.
This question is specifically about the method in which the job gets done. I realize I can get the same result, with substantially more work by calculating the distance from each point to every other point*, then ORDER
ing, and LIMIT